Definition of Balance sheet

Balance sheet
Also called the statement of financial condition, it is a summary of the assets, liabilities, and
owners' equity.
A “snapshot” statement that freezes a company on a particular day, like the last day of the year, and shows the balances in its asset, liability, and stockholders’ equity accounts. It’s governed by the formula:
Assets = Liabilities + Stockholders’ Equity.
Balance Sheet
A financial statement showing the financial position of a business – its assets, liabilities and
capital – at the end of an accounting period.
Balance Sheet
One of the basic financial statements; it lists the assets, liabilities, and equity accounts of the company. The balance sheet is prepared using the balances at the end of a specific day.
balance sheet
A term often used instead of the more formal and correct
term—statement of financial condition. This financial statement summarizes
the assets, liabilities, and owners’ equity sources of a business at a
given moment in time. It is prepared at the end of each profit period and
whenever else it is needed. It is one of the three primary financial statements
of a business, the other two being the income statement and the
statement of cash flows. The values reported in the balance sheet are the
amounts used to determine book value per share of capital stock. Also,
the book value of an asset is the amount reported in a business’s most
recent balance sheet.
Balance sheet
A report that summarizes all assets, liabilities, and equity for a company
for a given point in time.
balance sheet
Financial statement that shows the value of the
firm’s assets and liabilities at a particular time.
Balance Sheet
A financial report showing the status of a company's assets, liabilities, and owners' equity on a given date.
Related Terms:

See:accounting exposure.
Total Assets = Total Liabilities + Total Stockholders' Equity
Financing that is not shown as a liability in a company's balance sheet.
balance sheet that presents items as a percentage of total assets.
Financial statement that uses the market value of all assets and liabilities.
Yearly record of a publicly held company's financial condition. It includes a description of the
firm's operations, its balance sheet and income statement. SEC rules require that it be distributed to all
shareholders. A more detailed version is called a 10-K.
A lease obligation that has to be capitalized on the balance sheet.
The makeup of the liabilities and stockholders' equity side of the balance sheet, especially
the ratio of debt to equity and the mixture of short and long maturities.
The value of assets that can be converted into cash immediately, as reported by a company. Usually
includes bank accounts and marketable securities, such as government bonds and Banker's Acceptances. Cash
equivalents on balance sheets include securities (e.g., notes) that mature within 90 days.

The value of assets that can be converted into cash immediately, as reported by a
company. Usually includes bank accounts and marketable securities, such as government bonds and Banker's
Acceptances. Cash equivalents on balance sheets include securities (e.g., notes) that mature within 90 days.
The representing of accounting information over multiple years as percentages
of amounts in an initial year.
Common-size analysis The representing of balance sheet items as percentages of assets and of income
statement items as percentages of sales.
An entry in a translated balance sheet in which gains
and/or losses from translation have been accumulated over a period of years. The CTA account is required
under the FASB No. 52 rule.
Practice whereby the borrower sets aside cash or bonds sufficient to service the borrower's debt.
Both the borrower's debt and the offestting cash or bonds are removed from the balance sheet.
The U.S. accounting standard which was replaced by FASB No. 8. U.S. companies are required
to translate foreign accounts by the current rate and report the changes from currency fluctuations in a
cumulative translation adjustment account in the equity section of the balance sheet.
Decisions concerning the asset side of a firm's balance sheet, such as the decision to
offer a new product.
In-substance defeasance
Defeasance whereby debt is removed from the balance sheet but not cancelled.
Pro forma statement
A financial statement showing the forecast or projected operating results and balance
sheet, as in pro forma income statements, balance sheets, and statements of cash flows.
Purchase method
Accounting for an acquisition using market value for the consolidation of the two entities'
net assets on the balance sheet. Generally, depreciation/amortization will increase for this method compared
with pooling and will result in lower net income.
Stockholder equity
balance sheet item that includes the book value of ownership in the corporation. It
includes capital stock, paid in surplus, and retained earnings.
The theoretical amount per share that each stockholder would receive if a company’s assets were sold on the balance sheet’s date. Book value equals:
(Stockholders’ equity) / (Common stock shares outstanding)
Profits a company plowed back into the business over the years. Last January’s retained earnings, plus the net income or profit that a company made this year (which is calculated on the income statement), minus dividends paid out, equals the retained earnings balance on the balance sheet date.
A financial analysis technique that relates key amounts on the income statement and balance sheet to a 100 percent or base figure for the present and previous year.
It shows the percentage change from last year to this year, making it easier to spot problems that require analysis.
To make a payment that might otherwise be an expense (in the Profit and Loss account) an asset
(in the balance sheet).
Purchases of goods or services from suppliers on credit to whom the debt is not yet paid. Or a
term used in the balance sheet to denote current liabilities.
Financial reports or statements
The Profit and Loss account, balance sheet and Cash Flow statement of a business.
Permanent accounts
The accounts found on the balance sheet; these account balances are carried forward for the lifetime of the company.
accounting equation
An equation that reflects the two-sided nature of a
business entity, assets on the one side and the sources of assets on the
other side (assets = liabilities + owners’ equity). The assets of a business
entity are subject to two types of claims that arise from its two basic
sources of capital—liabilities and owners’ equity. The accounting equation
is the foundation for double-entry bookkeeping, which uses a
scheme for recording changes in these basic types of accounts as either
debits or credits such that the total of accounts with debit balances
equals the total of accounts with credit balances. The accounting equation
also serves as the framework for the statement of financial condition,
or balance sheet, which is one of the three fundamental financial
statements reported by a business.
accounts receivable
Short-term, non-interest-bearing debts owed to a
business by its customers who bought goods and services from the business
on credit. Generally, these debts should be collected within a month
or so. In a balance sheet, this asset is listed immediately after cash.
(Actually the amount of short-term marketable investments, if the business
has any, is listed after cash and before accounts receivable.)
Accounts receivable are viewed as a near-cash type of asset that will be
turned into cash in the short run. A business may not collect all of its
accounts receivable. See also bad debts.
book value and book value per share
Generally speaking, these terms
refer to the balance sheet value of an asset (or less often of a liability) or
the balance sheet value of owners’ equity per share. Either term emphasizes
that the amount recorded in the accounts or on the books of a business
is the value being used. The total of the amounts reported for
owners’ equity in its balance sheet is divided by the number of stock
shares of a corporation to determine the book value per share of its capital
statement of cash flows
One of the three primary financial statements
that a business includes in the periodic financial reports to its outside
shareowners and lenders. This financial statement summarizes the business’s
cash inflows and outflows for the period according to a threefold
classification: (1) cash flow from operating activities (cash flow from
profit), (2) cash flow from investing activities, and (3) cash flow from
financing activities. Frankly, the typical statement of cash flows is difficult
to read and decipher; it includes too many lines of information and
is fairly technical compared with the typical balance sheet and income
current assets
Current refers to cash and those assets that will be turned
into cash in the short run. Five types of assets are classified as current:
cash, short-term marketable investments, accounts receivable, inventories,
and prepaid expenses—and they are generally listed in this order in
the balance sheet.
debt-to-equity ratio
A widely used financial statement ratio to assess the
overall debt load of a business and its capital structure, it equals total liabilities
divided by total owners’ equity. Both numbers for this ratio are
taken from a business’s latest balance sheet. There is no standard, or
generally agreed on, maximum ratio, such as 1:1 or 2:1. Every industry
is different in this regard. Some businesses, such as financial institutions,
have very high debt-to-equity ratios. In contrast, many businesses
use very little debt relative to their owners’ equity.
statement of financial condition
See balance sheet.
financial reports and statements
Financial means having to do with
money and economic wealth. Statement means a formal presentation.
Financial reports are printed and a copy is sent to each owner and each
major lender of the business. Most public corporations make their financial
reports available on a web site, so all or part of the financial report
can be downloaded by anyone. Businesses prepare three primary financial
statements: the statement of financial condition, or balance sheet;
the statement of cash flows; and the income statement. These three key
financial statements constitute the core of the periodic financial reports
that are distributed outside a business to its shareowners and lenders.
Financial reports also include footnotes to the financial statements and
much other information. Financial statements are prepared according to
generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), which are the authoritative
rules that govern the measurement of net income and the reporting
of profit-making activities, financial condition, and cash flows.
Internal financial statements, although based on the same profit
accounting methods, report more information to managers for decision
making and control. Sometimes, financial statements are called simply
fixed assets
An informal term that refers to the variety of long-term operating
resources used by a business in its operations—including real
estate, machinery, equipment, tools, vehicles, office furniture, computers,
and so on. In balance sheets, these assets are typically labeled property,
plant, and equipment. The term fixed assets captures the idea that the
assets are relatively fixed in place and are not held for sale in the normal
course of business. The cost of fixed assets, except land, is depreciated,
which means the cost is allocated over the estimated useful lives of the
market capitalization, or market cap
Current market value per share of
capital stock multiplied by the total number of capital stock shares outstanding
of a publicly owned business. This value often differs widely from
the book value of owners’ equity reported in a business’s balance sheet.
net worth
Generally refers to the book value of owners’ equity as reported
in a business’s balance sheet. If liabilities are subtracted from assets, the
accounting equation becomes: assets - liabilities = owners’ equity. In this
version of the accounting equation, owners’ equity equals net worth, or
the amount of assets after deducting the liabilities of the business.
owners' equity
Refers to the capital invested in a business by its shareowners
plus the profit earned by the business that has not been distributed
to its shareowners, which is called retained earnings. Owners’
equity is one of the two basic sources of capital for a business, the other
being borrowed money, or debt. The book value, or value reported in a
balance sheet for owners’ equity, is not the market value of the business.
Rather, the balance sheet value reflects the historical amounts of capital
invested in the business by the owners over the years plus the accumulation
of yearly profits that were not paid out to owners.
Book Value
The value of an asset as carried on the balance sheet of a
company. In reference to the value of a company, it is the net worth
(equity) of the company.
financial accounting
a discipline in which historical, monetary
transactions are analyzed and recorded for use in the
preparation of the financial statements (balance sheet, income
statement, statement of owners’/stockholders’ equity,
and statement of cash flows); it focuses primarily on the
needs of external users (stockholders, creditors, and regulatory
Accounts payable
Acurrent liability on the balance sheet, representing short-term obligations
to pay suppliers.
Accounts receivable
A current asset on the balance sheet, representing short-term
amounts due from customers who have purchased on account.
Annual report
A report issued to a company’s shareholders, creditors, and regulatory
organizations at the end of its fiscal year. It typically contains at least an income
statement, balance sheet, statement of cash flows, and accompanying footnotes. It
may also contain management comments, an audit report, and other supporting
schedules that may be required by regulatory organizations.
Current asset
Typically the cash, accounts receivable, and inventory accounts on the
balance sheet, or any other assets that are expected to be liquidated within a short
time interval.
Current liability
This is typically the accounts payable, short-term notes payable, and
accrued expense accounts on the balance sheet, or any other liabilities that are
expected to be liquidated within a short time interval.
Other assets
A cluster of accounts that are listed after fixed assets on the balance sheet,
and which contain minor assets that cannot be reasonably fit into any of the other
main asset categories.
Owners' equity
The total of all capital contributions and retained earnings on a business’s
balance sheet.
Prepaid expense
An expenditure that is paid for in one accounting period, but which
will not be entirely consumed until a future period. Consequently, it is carried on the
balance sheet as an asset until it is consumed.
Property, plant, and equipment
This item is comprised of all types of fixed assets
recorded on the balance sheet, and is intended to reveal the sum total of all tangible,
long-term assets used to conduct business.
Statement of retained earnings
An adjunct to the balance sheet, providing more detailed information about the beginning balance, changes, and ending balance in
the retained earnings account during the reporting period.
book value
Net worth of the firm’s assets or liabilities according
to the balance sheet.
Big Bath
A wholesale write-down of assets and accrual of liabilities in an effort to make the
balance sheet particularly conservative so that there will be fewer expenses to serve as a drag on future earnings.
Capital Lease
One where substantially all of the benefits and risks of ownership are transferred to the lessee. It must be reflected on the company's balance sheet as an asset and corresponding liability.
In Finance: to find the present value of a stream of cash flows.
In Accounting: to reflect costs of the balance sheet rather than charge them off through the income statement, as to capitalize major repairs to a fixed asset.
Financial Covenants
A promise made related to financial conditions or events. Often a promise not to allow certain balance sheet items or ratios to fall below an agreed level. Usually found in loan documents, as a protection mechanism.
Balance of payments
A statistical compilation formulated by a sovereign nation of all economic transactions
between residents of that nation and residents of all other nations during a stipulated period of time, usually a
calendar year.
Balance of trade
Net flow of goods (exports minus imports) between countries.
Balanced fund
An investment company that invests in stocks and bonds. The same as a balanced mutual fund.
Balanced mutual fund
This is a fund that buys common stock, preferred stock and bonds. The same as a
balanced fund.
Basic balance
In a balance of payments, the basic balance is the net balance of the combination of the current
account and the capital account.
Compensating balance
An excess balance that is left in a bank to provide indirect compensation for loans
extended or services provided.
Double-declining-balance depreciation
Method of accelerated depreciation.
Net cash balance
Beginning cash balance plus cash receipts minus cash disbursements.
Receivables balance fractions
The percentage of a month's sales that remain uncollected (and part of
accounts receivable) at the end of succeeding months.
Remaining principal balance
The amount of principal dollars remaining to be paid under the mortgage as of
a given point in time.
A computer program that organizes numerical data into rows and columns on a terminal screen,
for calculating and making adjustments based on new data.
Target cash balance
Optimal amount of cash for a firm to hold, considering the trade-off between the
opportunity costs of holding too much cash and the trading costs of holding too little cash.
Zero-balance account (ZBA)
A checking account in which zero balance is maintained by transfers of funds
from a master account in an amount only large enough to cover checks presented.
Declining balance
An accelerated depreciation method that calculates depreciation each year by applying a fixed rate to the asset’s book (cost–accumulated depreciation) value. Depreciation stops when the asset’s book value reaches its salvage value.
Balanced Scorecard
A system of non-financial performance measurement that links innovation, customer and process measures to financial performance.
A method of depreciation.
Trial balance
A listing of all the accounts and their balances on a specified day.
balanced scorecard (BSC)
an approach to performance
measurement that weighs performance measures from four
perspectives: financial performance, an internal business
perspective, a customer perspective, and an innovation and
learning perspective
employee time sheet
a source document that indicates, for each employee, what jobs were worked on during the day and for what amount of time
job order cost sheet
a source document that provides virtually
all the financial information about a particular job;
the set of all job order cost sheets for uncompleted jobs
composes the Work in Process Inventory subsidiary ledger
zero-balance account
Regional bank account to which just enough funds are transferred daily to pay each day’s bills.
Balance of Merchandise Trade
The difference between exports and imports of goods.
Balance of Payments
The difference between the demand for and supply of a country's currency on the foreign exchange market.
Balance of Payments Accounts
A statement of a country's transactions with other countries.
Balance of Trade
See balance of merchandise trade.
Balanced-Budget Multiplier
The multiplier associated with a change in government spending financed by an equal change in taxes.
On-hand balance
The quantity of inventory currently in stock, based on inventory
Projected available balance
The future planned balance of an inventory item,
based on the current balance and adjusted for planned receipts and usage.
Term Sheet
A list of the major points of the proposed financing being offered by an investor.
Current rate method
Under this currency translation method, all foreign currency balance-sheet and income
statement items are translated at the current exchange rate.
Financing decisions
Decisions concerning the liabilities and stockholders' equity side of the firm's balance
sheet, such as the decision to issue bonds.
The difference between the total of all recorded assets and liabilities on the balance
A reduction in the balance-sheet valuation of an asset with an accompanying
expense or loss recorded in earnings.
Related to : financial, finance, business, accounting, payroll, inventory, investment, money, inventory control, stock trading, financial advisor, tax advisor, credit.