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Buy-and-hold strategy |
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Definition of Buy-and-hold strategyBuy-and-hold strategyA passive investment strategy with no active buying and selling of stocks from the
Related Terms:Active portfolio strategyA strategy that uses available information and forecasting techniques to seek a Annualized holding period returnThe annual rate of return that when compounded t times, would have Barbell strategyA strategy in which the maturities of the securities included in the portfolio are concentrated Builder buydown loanA mortgage loan on newly developed property that the builder subsidizes during the Bullet strategyA strategy in which a portfolio is constructed so that the maturities of its securities are highly BuyTo purchase an asset; taking a long position. Buy inTo cover, offset or close out a short position. Related: evening up, liquidation. ![]() Buy limit orderA conditional trading order that indicates a security may be purchased only at the designated Buy on closeTo buy at the end of the trading session at a price within the closing range. Buy on marginA transaction in which an investor borrows to buy additional shares, using the shares Buy on openingTo buy at the beginning of a trading session at a price within the opening range. BuydownsMortgages in which monthly payments consist of principal and interest, with portions of these Buying the indexPurchasing the stocks in the S&P 500 in the same proportion as the index to achieve the BuyoutPurchase of a controlling interest (or percent of shares) of a company's stock. A leveraged buy-out is Buy-backAnother term for a repo. Buy-side analystA financial analyst employed by a non-brokerage firm, typically one of the larger money ![]() Combination strategyA strategy in which a put and with the same strike price and expiration are either both Conflict between bondholders and stockholdersThese two groups may have interests in a corporation that Covered call writing strategyA strategy that involves writing a call option on securities that the investor Cross holdingsOne corporation holds shares in another firm. Dedication strategyRefers to multi-period cash flow matching. EquityholdersThose holding shares of the firm's equity. Holder-of-record dateThe date on which holders of record in a firm's stock ledger are designated as the Holding companyA corporation that owns enough voting stock in another firm to control management and Holding periodLength of time that an individual holds a security. Holding period returnThe rate of return over a given period. Immunization strategyA bond portfolio strategy whose goal is to eliminate the portfolio's risk against a Import-substitution development strategyA development strategy followed by many Latin American Ladder strategyA bond portfolio strategy in which the portfolio is constructed to have approximately equal Leveraged buyout (LBO)A transaction used for taking a public corporation private financed through the use Management buyout (MBO)Leveraged buyout whereby the acquiring group is led by the firm's management. Overlay strategyA strategy of using futures for asset allocation by pension sponsors to avoid disrupting the Passive portfolio strategyA strategy that involves minimal expectational input, and instead relies on Passive investment strategySee: passive management. Protective put buying strategyA strategy that involves buying a put option on the underlying security that is Randomized strategyA strategy of introducing into the decision-making process a random element that is Shareholders' equityThis is a company's total assets minus total liabilities. A company's net worth is the Shareholders' letterA section of an annual report where one can find jargon-free discussions by Spread strategyA strategy that involves a position in one or more options so that the cost of buying an StakeholdersAll parties that have an interest, financial or otherwise, in a firm - stockholders, creditors, Stockholder equityBalance sheet item that includes the book value of ownership in the corporation. It Stock replacement strategyA strategy for enhancing a portfolio's return, employed when the futures Stockholderholder of equity shares in a firm. Stockholder's booksSet of books kept by firm management for its annual report that follows Financial Stockholder's equityThe residual claims that stockholders have against a firm's assets, calculated by Structured portfolio strategyA strategy in which a portfolio is designed to achieve the performance of some Swap buy-backThe sale of an interest rate swap by one counterparty to the other, effectively ending the swap. T-period holding-period returnThe percentage return over the T-year period an investment lasts. Threshold for refinancingThe point when the WAC of an MBS is at a level to induce homeowners to Withholding taxA tax levied by a country of source on income paid, usually on dividends remitted to the RATE OF RETURN ON STOCKHOLDERS’ EQUITYThe percentage return or profit that management made on each dollar stockholders invested in a company. Here’s how you figure it: RATIO OF DEBT TO STOCKHOLDERS’ EQUITYA ratio that shows which group—creditors or stockholders—has the biggest stake in or the most control of a company: STOCKHOLDERS’ (OR OWNERS’) EQUITYThe value of the owners’ interests in a company. Shareholders’ fundsThe capital invested in a business by the shareholders, including retained profits. Shareholder valueIncreasing the value of the business to its shareholders, achieved through a combination of Leasehold improvementsThe cost of improvements made to property that the company leases. Shareholders' equityThe total amount of contributed capital and retained earnings; synonymous with stockholders' equity. Stockholders' equityThe total amount of contributed capital and retained earnings; synonymous with shareholders’ equity. stockholders' equity, statement of changes inAlthough often considered compensation strategya foundation for the compensation plan that addresses the role compensation should play in the organization confrontation strategyan organizational strategy in which company management decides to confront, rather than avoid, competition; an organizational strategy in which company management still attempts to differentiate company cost leadership strategya plan to achieve the position in a differentiation strategya technique for avoiding competition by distinguishing a product or service from that of competitors through adding sufficient value (including quality and/or features) that customers are willing to pay hold missiona mission that attempts to protect the business make-or-buy decisiona decision that compares the cost of strategythe link between an organization’s goals and objectives Leasehold improvementThis is any upgrade to leased property by a lessee that will be Leveraged buyoutThe purchase of one business entity by another, largely using borrowed StockholderA person or entity that owns shares in a corporation. leveraged buyout (LBO)Acquisition of the firm by a private group using substantial borrowed funds. management buyout (MBO)Acquisition of the firm by its own management in a leveraged buyout. stakeholderAnyone with a financial interest in the firm. Bill and Hold PracticesProducts that have been sold with an explicit agreement that delivery Shareholders' EquityThe residual interest or owners' claims on the assets of a corporation Forward buyingThe purchase of items exceeding the quantity levels indicated Buy/Sell AgreementThis is an agreement entered into by the owners of a business to define the conditions under which the interests of each shareholder will be bought and sold. The agreement sets the value of each shareholders interest and stipulates what happens when one of the owners wishes to dispose of his/her interest during his/her lifetime as well as disposal of interest upon death or disability. Life insurance, critical illness coverage and disability insurance are major considerations to help fund this type of agreement. PolicyholderThis is the person who owns a life insurance policy. This is usually the insured person, but it may also be a relative of the insured, a partnership or a corporation. There are instances in marriage breakup (or relationship breakup with dependent children) where appropriate life insurance on the support provider, owned and paid for by the ex-spouse receiving the support is an acceptable method of ensuring future security. Conditional BuyerOne of two parties to a conditional sale agreement, the other being the conditional seller. Equity Buy-BackRefers to the investors percentage ownership of a company that can be re-acquired by the company, usually at a pre-determined amount. ShareholderOwner of one or more shares of stock in a corporation. Shareholder's EquityRepresents the total assets of a corporation less liabilities. Related to : financial, finance, business, accounting, payroll, inventory, investment, money, inventory control, stock trading, financial advisor, tax advisor, credit. |