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Definition of CollarCollarAn upper and lower limit on the interest rate on a floating-rate note. CollarInterest-rate option that guarantees that the rate on a floating-rate
Related Terms:Equity collarThe simultaneous purchase of an equity floor and sale of an equity cap. EquityAmounts contributed to the company by the owners (contributed capital) plus the residual earnings of the business (retained earnings). EquityFunds raised from shareholders. EquityOwnership. Common stock represents equity in a corporation. equityRefers to one of the two basic sources of capital for a business, the EquityRepresents ownership interest in a firm. Also the residual dollar value of a futures trading account, ![]() EquityThe difference between the total of all recorded assets and liabilities on the balance EquityThe net worth of a business, consisting of capital stock, capital (or paid-in) surplus (or retained earnings), and, occasionally, certain net worth reserves. Common equity is that part of the total net worth belonging to the common shareholders. Total equity includes preferred shareholders. The terms common stock, net worth, and common equity are frequently used interchangeably. equityThe net worth of a company. This represents the ownership interest of the shareholders (common and preferred) of a company. For this reason, shares or stocks are often known as equities. All equity rateThe discount rate that reflects only the business risks of a project and abstracts from the Asset/equity ratioThe ratio of total assets to stockholder equity. Bottom-up equity management styleA management style that de-emphasizes the significance of economic Common stock/other equityValue of outstanding common shares at par, plus accumulated retained Debt/equity ratioIndicator of financial leverage. Compares assets provided by creditors to assets provided Deferred equityA common term for convertible bonds because of their equity component and the ![]() Dual syndicate equity offeringAn international equity placement where the offering is split into two Equity capAn agreement in which one party, for an upfront premium, agrees to compensate the other at Equity claimAlso called a residual claim, a claim to a share of earnings after debt obligation have been Equity contribution agreementAn agreement to contribute equity to a project under certain specified Equity floorAn agreement in which one party agrees to pay the other at specific time periods if a specific Equity kickerUsed to refer to warrants because they are usually issued attached to privately placed bonds. Equity marketRelated:Stock market Equity multiplierTotal assets divided by total common stockholders' equity; the amount of total assets per Equity optionsSecurities that give the holder the right to buy or sell a specified number of shares of stock, at Equity swapA swap in which the cash flows that are exchanged are based on the total return on some stock Equity-linked policiesRelated: Variable life ![]() EquityholdersThose holding shares of the firm's equity. Euroequity issuesSecurities sold in the Euromarket. That is, securities initially sold to investors Foreign equity marketThat portion of the domestic equity market that represents issues floated by foreign companies. GEMs (growing-equity mortgages)Mortgages in which annual increases in monthly payments are used to Investor's equityThe balance of a margin account. Related: buying on margin, initial margin requirement. Leveraged equityStock in a firm that relies on financial leverage. Holders of leveraged equity face the Long-term debt to equity ratioA capitalization ratio comparing long-term debt to shareholders' equity. Preferred equity redemption stock (PERC)Preferred stock that converts automatically into equity at a Return on equity (ROE)Indicator of profitability. Determined by dividing net income for the past 12 Shareholders' equityThis is a company's total assets minus total liabilities. A company's net worth is the Stockholder equityBalance sheet item that includes the book value of ownership in the corporation. It Stockholder's equityThe residual claims that stockholders have against a firm's assets, calculated by Stratified equity indexingA method of constructing a replicating portfolio in which the stocks in the index Top-down equity management styleA management style that begins with an assessment of the overall Total debt to equity ratioA capitalization ratio comparing current liabilities plus long-term debt to RATE OF RETURN ON STOCKHOLDERS’ EQUITYThe percentage return or profit that management made on each dollar stockholders invested in a company. Here’s how you figure it: RATIO OF DEBT TO STOCKHOLDERS’ EQUITYA ratio that shows which group—creditors or stockholders—has the biggest stake in or the most control of a company: STOCKHOLDERS’ (OR OWNERS’) EQUITYThe value of the owners’ interests in a company. Contra-equity accountAn account that reduces an equity account. An example is Treasury stock. Shareholders' equityThe total amount of contributed capital and retained earnings; synonymous with stockholders' equity. Stockholders' equityThe total amount of contributed capital and retained earnings; synonymous with shareholders’ equity. debt-to-equity ratioA widely used financial statement ratio to assess the owners' equityRefers to the capital invested in a business by its shareowners return on equity (ROE)This key ratio, expressed as a percent, equals net stockholders' equity, statement of changes inAlthough often considered Cost of EquitySame as the cost of common stock. Sometimes viewed as the Return on Common Equity RatioA measure of the percentage return earned on the value of the Owners' equityThe total of all capital contributions and retained earnings on a business’s Equity MethodAccounting method for an equity security in cases where the investor has sufficient Equity SecurityAn ownership interest in an enterprise, including preferred and common stock. Shareholders' EquityThe residual interest or owners' claims on the assets of a corporation Debt/Equity RatioA comparison of debt to equity in a company's capital structure. Equity Buy-BackRefers to the investors percentage ownership of a company that can be re-acquired by the company, usually at a pre-determined amount. Quasi-EquityFunds, other than paid-up capital and retained earnings, employed in a business and which will remain in a business as permanent capital. Shareholder's EquityRepresents the total assets of a corporation less liabilities. Equity-based insuranceLife insurance or annuity product in which the cash value and benefit level fluctuate according to the performance of an equity portfolio. Equity investmentThrough equity investment, investors gain part ownership of the corporation. The primary type of equity investment is corporate stock. DLOC (discount for lack of control)an amount or percentage deducted from a pro rata share of the value of 100% of an equity interest in a business, to reflect the absence of some or all of the powers of control. DLOM (discount for lack of marketability)an amount or percentage deducted from an equity interest to reflect lack of marketability. Adjusted present value (APV)The net present value analysis of an asset if financed solely by equity Asset-based financingMethods of financing in which lenders and equity investors look principally to the Attribute biasThe tendency of stocks preferred by the dividend discount model to share certain equity Balance sheetAlso called the statement of financial condition, it is a summary of the assets, liabilities, and Balance sheet identityTotal Assets = Total Liabilities + Total Stockholders' equity Book value per shareThe ratio of stockholder equity to the average number of common shares. Book value Capital structureThe makeup of the liabilities and stockholders' equity side of the balance sheet, especially Capital surplusAmounts of directly contributed equity capital in excess of the par value. CapitalizationThe debt and/or equity mix that fund a firm's assets. Capitalization ratiosAlso called financial leverage ratios, these ratios compare debt to total capitalization Capitalization tableA table showing the capitalization of a firm, which typically includes the amount of Cash offerA public equity issue that is sold to all interested investors. Common stockThese are securities that represent equity ownership in a company. Common shares let an Common stock equivalentA convertible security that is traded like an equity issue because the optioned Common stock ratiosRatios that are designed to measure the relative claims of stockholders to earnings Corporate tax viewThe argument that double (corporate and individual) taxation of equity returns makes Debt leverageThe amplification of the return earned on equity when an investment or firm is financed Debt swapA set of transactions (also called a debt-equity swap) in which a firm buys a country's dollar bank Dividend clawbackWith respect to a project financing, an arrangement under which the sponsors of a project FASB No. 52The U.S. accounting standard which was replaced by FASB No. 8. U.S. companies are required Financial leverageUse of debt to increase the expected return on equity. Financial leverage is measured by Financial riskThe risk that the cash flow of an issuer will not be adequate to meet its financial obligations. Financing decisionsDecisions concerning the liabilities and stockholders' equity side of the firm's balance Going-private transactionsPublicly owned stock in a firm is replaced with complete equity ownership by a Initial public offering (IPO)A company's first sale of stock to the public. Securities offered in an IPO are LEAPSLong-term equity anticipation securities. Long-term options. Leveraged buyout (LBO)A transaction used for taking a public corporation private financed through the use Long-term debt/capitalizationIndicator of financial leverage. Shows long-term debt as a proportion of the Maintenance margin requirementA sum, usually smaller than -but part of the original margin, which must Modigliani and Miller Proposition IIA proposition by Modigliani and Miller which states that the cost of Net worthCommon stockholders' equity which consists of common stock, surplus, and retained earnings. Pecking-order view (of capital structure)The argument that external financing transaction costs, especially Personal tax view (of capital structure)The argument that the difference in personal tax rates between Pie model of capital structureA model of the debt/equity ratio of the firms, graphically depicted in slices of Pooling of interestsAn accounting method for reporting acquisitions accomplished through the use of equity. Related to : financial, finance, business, accounting, payroll, inventory, investment, money, inventory control, stock trading, financial advisor, tax advisor, credit. |