Financial Terms
Current maturity

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Definition of Current maturity

Current Maturity Image 1

Current maturity

current time to maturity on an outstanding debt instrument.
current / noncurrent method
Under this currency translation method, all of a foreign subsidiary's current
assets and liabilities are translated into home currency at the current exchange rate while noncurrent assets
and liabilities are translated at the historical exchange rate, that is, the rate in effect at the time the asset was
acquired or the liability incurred.

Related Terms:


1) When bond yields and prices fall, the market is said to back-up.
2) When an investor swaps out of one security into another of shorter current maturity he is said to back up.

Extension swap

Extending maturity through a swap, e.g. selling a 2-year note and buying one with a slightly
longer current maturity.

Long bonds

Bonds with a long current maturity. The "long bond" is the 30-year U.S. government bond.

Long coupons

1) Bonds or notes with a long current maturity.
2) A bond on which one of the coupon periods, usually the first, is longer than the other periods or the standard period.

Long bonds

Bonds with a long current maturity. The "long bond" is the 30-year U.S. government bond.

Long coupons

1) Bonds or notes with a long current maturity.
2) A bond on which one of the coupon
periods, usually the first, is longer than the other periods or the standard period.

Average maturity

The average time to maturity of securities held by a mutual fund. Changes in interest rates
have greater impact on funds with longer average life.

Current Maturity Image 2

Balloon maturity

Any large principal payment due at maturity for a bond or loan with or without a a sinking
fund requirement.

Current account

Net flow of goods, services, and unilateral transactions (gifts) between countries.

Current assets

Value of cash, accounts receivable, inventories, marketable securities and other assets that
could be converted to cash in less than 1 year.

Current coupon

A bond selling at or close to par, that is, a bond with a coupon close to the yields currently
offered on new bonds of a similar maturity and credit risk.

Current liabilities

Amount owed for salaries, interest, accounts payable and other debts due within 1 year.

Current issue

In Treasury securities, the most recently auctioned issue. Trading is more active in current
issues than in off-the-run issues.

Current rate method

Under this currency translation method, all foreign currency balance-sheet and income
statement items are translated at the current exchange rate.

Current ratio

Indicator of short-term debt paying ability. Determined by dividing current assets by current
liabilities. The higher the ratio, the more liquid the company.

Current yield

For bonds or notes, the coupon rate divided by the market price of the bond.

Current-coupon issues

Related: Benchmark issues


For a bond, the date on which the principal is required to be repaid. In an interest rate swap, the
date that the swap stops accruing interest.

Maturity factoring

Factoring arrangement that provides collection and insurance of accounts receivable.

Maturity phase

A phase of company development in which earnings continue to grow at the rate of the
general economy. Related: Three-phase DDM.

Maturity spread

The spread between any two maturity sectors of the bond market.

Maturity value

Related: par value.

Original maturity

maturity at issue. For example, a five year note has an original maturity of 5 years; one
year later it has a maturity of 4 years.

Other current assets

Value of non-cash assets, including prepaid expenses and accounts receivable, due
within 1 year.

Projected maturity date

With CMOs, final payment at the end of the estimated cash flow window.

Remaining maturity

The length of time remaining until a bond's maturity.

Return-to-maturity expectations

A variant of pure expectations theory which suggests that the return that an
investor will realize by rolling over short-term bonds to some investment horizon will be the same as holding
a zero-coupon bond with a maturity that is the same as that investment horizon.

Stated maturity

For the CMO tranche, the date the last payment would occur at zero CPR.

Term to maturity

The time remaining on a bond's life, or the date on which the debt will cease to exist and
the borrower will have completely paid off the amount borrowed. See: maturity.

Time to maturity

The time remaining until a financial contract expires. Also called time until expiration.

Weighted average maturity

The WAM of a MBS is the weighted average of the remaining terms to maturity
of the mortgages underlying the collateral pool at the date of issue, using as the weighting factor the balance
of each of the mortgages as of the issue date.

Weighted average remaining maturity

The average remaining term of the mortgages underlying a MBS.

Yield to maturity

The percentage rate of return paid on a bond, note or other fixed income security if you
buy and hold it to its maturity date. The calculation for YTM is based on the coupon rate, length of time to
maturity and market price. It assumes that coupon interest paid over the life of the bond will be reinvested at
the same rate.

Current assets

Cash, things that will be converted into cash within a year (such as accounts receivable), and inventory.

Current liabilities

Bills a company must pay within the next twelve months.

Current ratio

A ratio that shows how many times a company could pay its current debts if it used its current assets to pay them. The formula:
(current assets) / (current liabilities)

Current assets

Amounts receivable by the business within a period of 12 months, including bank, debtors, inventory and prepayments.

Current liabilities

Amounts due and payable by the business within a period of 12 months, e.g. bank overdraft, creditors and accruals.

current assets

current refers to cash and those assets that will be turned
into cash in the short run. Five types of assets are classified as current:
cash, short-term marketable investments, accounts receivable, inventories,
and prepaid expenses—and they are generally listed in this order in
the balance sheet.

current liabilities

current means that these liabilities require payment in
the near term. Generally, these include accounts payable, accrued
expenses payable, income tax payable, short-term notes payable, and
the portion of long-term debt that will come due during the coming year.
Keep in mind that a business may roll over its debt; the old, maturing
debt may be replaced in part or in whole by new borrowing.

current ratio

Calculated to assess the short-term solvency, or debt-paying
ability of a business, it equals total current assets divided by total current
liabilities. Some businesses remain solvent with a relatively low current
ratio; others could be in trouble with an apparently good current ratio.
The general rule is that the current ratio should be 2:1 or higher, but
please take this with a grain of salt, because current ratios vary widely
from industry to industry.

Current Ratio

A measure of the ability of a company to use its current assets to
pay its current liabilities. It is calculated by dividing the total current
assets by the total current liabilities.


The date or the number of days until a security is due to be paid or
a loan is to be repaid

Yield to Maturity

The measure of the average rate of return that will be earned on a
debt security held until it matures

concurrent engineering

see simultaneous engineering

Maturity date

The date when the issuer returns the final face value of a bond
to the buyer.

Yield to maturity

A measure of the average rate of return that will be earned
on a bond if held to maturity.

Current asset

Typically the cash, accounts receivable, and inventory accounts on the
balance sheet, or any other assets that are expected to be liquidated within a short
time interval.

Current cost

Under target costing concepts, this is the cost that would be applied to a
new product design if no additional steps were taken to reduce costs, such as
through value engineering or kaizen costing. Under traditional costing concepts, this
is the cost of manufacturing a product with work methods, materials, and specifications
currently in use.

Current liability

This is typically the accounts payable, short-term notes payable, and
accrued expense accounts on the balance sheet, or any other liabilities that are
expected to be liquidated within a short time interval.

current yield

Annual coupon payments divided by bond price.

maturity premium

Extra average return from investing in longversus short-term Treasury securities.

yield to maturity

Interest rate for which the present value of the bond’s payments equals the price.

Current Account

That part of the balance of payments accounts that records demands for and supplies of a currency arising from activities that affect current income, namely imports, exports, investment income payments such as interest and dividends, and transfers such as gifts, pensions, and foreign aid.

Current Dollars

A variable like GDP is measured in current dollars if each year's value is measured in prices prevailing during that year. In contrast, when measured in real or constant dollars, each year's value is measured in a base year's prices.

Current Yield

The percentage return on a financial asset based on the current price of the asset, without reference to any expected change in the price of the asset. This contrasts with yield-to-maturity, for which the calculation includes expected price changes. See also yield.


Time at which a bond can be redeemed for its face value.

Term to Maturity

Period of time from the present to the redemption date of a bond.

Current Tax Payment Act of 1943

A federal Act requiring employers to withhold income taxes from employee pay.

Current Income Tax Expense

That portion of the total income tax provision that is based on
taxable income.

Held-to-Maturity Security

A debt security for which the investing entity has both the positive
intent and the ability to hold until maturity.

Current Assets

Cash and other company assets that can be readily turned into cash within one year.

Current Liabilities

Debts or other obligations coming due within a year.

Current Ratio

current assets divided by current liabilities. This ratio indicates the extent to which the claims of short-term creditors are covered by assets expected to be converted to cash in the near future.

Maturity Date

Date on which a debt is due for payment.


The time when a policy or annuity reaches the end of its span.

Benchmark issues

Also called on-the-run or current coupon issues or bellwether issues. In the secondary
market, it's the most recently auctioned Treasury issues for each maturity.

Spot rate

The current interest rate appropriate for discounting a cash flow of
some given maturity.


The interest rate that makes the present value of a stream of future payments associated with an asset equal to the current price of that asset. Also called yield to maturity. See also current yield.

Available-for-Sale Security

A debt or equity security not classified as a held-to-maturity security or a trading security. Can be classified as a current or noncurrent investment depending on the intended holding period.







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