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DLOC (discount for lack of control) |
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Definition of DLOC (discount for lack of control)DLOC (discount for lack of control)an amount or percentage deducted from a pro rata share of the value of 100% of an equity interest in a business, to reflect the absence of some or all of the powers of control.
Related Terms:ADF (annuity discount factor)the present value of a finite stream of cash flows for every beginning $1 of cash flow. control premiumthe additional value inherent in the control interest as contrasted to a minority interest, which reflects its power of control DLOM (discount for lack of marketability)an amount or percentage deducted from an equity interest to reflect lack of marketability. discount ratethe rate of return on investment that would be required by a prudent investor to invest in an asset with a specific level risk. Also, a rate of return used to convert a monetary sum, payable or receivable in the future, into present value. fractional interest discountthe combined discounts for lack of control and marketability. g the constant growth rate in cash flows or net income used in the ADF, Gordon model, or present value factor. QMDM (quantitative marketability discount model)model for calculating DLOM for minority interests r the discount rate Accretion (of a discount)In portfolio accounting, a straight-line accumulation of capital gains on discount ![]() Bank discount basisA convention used for quoting bids and offers for treasury bills in terms of annualized Black marketAn illegal market. Black-Scholes option-pricing modelA model for pricing call options based on arbitrage arguments that uses Cash discountAn incentive offered to purchasers of a firm's product for payment within a specified time Control50% of the outstanding votes plus one vote. Controlled disbursementA service that provides for a single presentation of checks each day (typically in Controlled foreign corporation (CFC)A foreign corporation whose voting stock is more than 50% owned ControllerThe corporate manager responsible for the firm's accounting activities. Deep-discount bondA bond issued with a very low coupon or no coupon and selling at a price far below par DiscountReferring to the selling price of a bond, a price below its par value. Related: premium. Discount bondDebt sold for less than its principal value. If a discount bond pays no interest, it is called a Discount factorPresent value of $1 received at a stated future date. Discount periodThe period during which a customer can deduct the discount from the net amount of the bill Discount rateThe interest rate that the Federal Reserve charges a bank to borrow funds when a bank is Discount securitiesNon-interest-bearing money market instruments that are issued at a discount and Discount windowFacility provided by the Fed enabling member banks to borrow reserves against collateral Discounted basisSelling something on a discounted basis is selling below what its value will be at maturity, Discounted cash flow (DCF)Future cash flows multiplied by discount factors to obtain present values. Discounted dividend model (DDM)A formula to estimate the intrinsic value of a firm by figuring the Discounted payback period ruleAn investment decision rule in which the cash flows are discounted at an DiscountingCalculating the present value of a future amount. The process is opposite to compounding. Dividend discount model (DDM)A model for valuing the common stock of a company, based on the Documented discount notesCommercial paper backed by normal bank lines plus a letter of credit from a Dupont system of financial controlHighlights the fact that return on assets (ROA) can be expressed in terms Exchange controlsGovernmental restrictions on the purchase of foreign currencies by domestic citizens or Financial controlThe management of a firm's costs and expenses in order to control them in relation to Foreign exchange controlsVarious forms of controls imposed by a government on the purchase/sale of Forward discountA currency trades at a forward discount when its forward price is lower than its spot price. Original issue discount debt (OID debt)Debt that is initially offered at a price below par. Pure-discount bondA bond that will make only one payment of principal and interest. Also called a zerocoupon Risk controlled arbitrageA self-funding, self-hedged series of transactions that generally utilize mortgage Budgetary controlThe process of ensuring that actual financial results are in line with targets – see variance Controllable profitThe profit made by a division after deducting only those expenses that can be controlled by the Cost controlThe process of either reducing costs while maintaining the same level of productivity or maintaining costs while increasing productivity. Discounted cash flow (DCF)A method of investment appraisal that discounts future cash flows to present value using a discount rate, which is the risk-adjusted cost of capital. Control accountAn account maintained in the general ledger that holds the balance without the detail. The detail is maintained in a subsidiary ledger. Purchase discountsA contra account that reduces purchases by the amount of the discounts taken for early payment. Sales discountsA contra account that offsets revenue. It represents the amount of the discounts for early payment allowed on sales. discounted cash flow (DCF)Refers to a capital investment analysis technique internal accounting controlsRefers to forms used and procedures management controlThis is difficult to define in a few words—indeed, an Continuous DiscountingThe process of calculating the present value of a stream of future Discount RateThe rate of interest used to calculate the present value of a stream DiscountingThe process of calculating the present value of a stream of future ad hoc discounta price concession made under competitive pressure (real or imagined) that does not relate to quantity purchased budget slackan intentional underestimation of revenues control charta graphical presentation of the results of a controllable costa cost over which a manager has the ability to authorize incurrence or directly influence magnitude controllable variancethe budget variance of the two variance approach to analyzing overhead variances controllerthe chief accountant (in a corporation) who is responsible controllingthe process of exerting managerial influence on cost control systema logical structure of formal and/or informal discountingthe process of reducing future cash flows to present value amounts discount ratethe rate of return used to discount future cash internal controlany measure used by management to protect management control system (MCS)an information system that helps managers gather information about actual organizational occurrences, make comparisons against plans, noncontrollable variancethe fixed overhead volume variance; quality controlthe implementation of all practices and policies risk-adjusted discount rate methoda formal method of adjusting for risk in which the decision maker increases the rate used for discounting the future cash flows to compensate for increased risk slack variablea variable used in a linear programming problem statistical process control (SPC)the use of control techniques that are based on the theory that a process has natural variations in it over time, but uncommon variations Black-Scholes modelThe first complete mathematical model for pricing Discount curveThe curve of discount rates vs. maturity dates for bonds. Discounted cash flowA technique that determines the present value of future cash Sales discountA reduction in the price of a product or service that is offered by the constant-growth dividend discount modelVersion of the dividend discount model in which dividends grow at a constant rate. controllerOfficer responsible for budgeting, accounting, and auditing. discount factorPresent value of a $1 future payment. discount rateInterest rate used to compute present values of future cash flows. dividend discount modelComputation of today’s stock price which states that share value equals the present value of all expected future dividends. financial slackReady access to cash or debt financing. in the blackMaking a profit. DiscountThe percentage amount at which bonds sell below their par value. Also the percentage amount at which a currency sells on the forward market below its current rate on the spot market. Discount BondA bond with no coupons, priced below its face value; the return on this bond comes from the difference between its face value and its current price. DiscountingCalculating the present value of a future payment. Discount RateThe interest rate at which the Fed is prepared to loan reserves to commercial banks. Discount WindowThe Federal Reserve facility at which reserves are loaned to banks at the discount rate. Wage/Price ControlsAn incomes policy in which wages and prices are constrained by law not to rise by more than a specified percentage. Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986A federal Act requiring all employers having at least four employees to verify the identity and employment Configuration controlVerifying that a delivered product matches authorizing Cutoff controlA procedure for ensuring that transaction processing is completed Shelf life controlDeliberate usage of the oldest items first, in order to avoid exceeding Visual controlThe visual inspection of inventory levels, enabled by the use of Non-Smoker DiscountIn October 1996 it was announced in the international news that scientists had finally located the link between cigarette smoking and lung cancer. In the early 1980's, some Canadian Life Insurance Companies had already started recognizing that non-smokers had a better life expectancy than smokers so commenced offering premium discounts for life insurance to new applicants who have been non-smokers for at least 12 months before applying for coverage. Today, most life insurance companies offer these discounts. Discount RateA rate of return used to convert a monetary sum, payable or receivable in the future, into present value. Discounted Cash FlowTechniques for establishing the relative worth of a future investment by discounting (at a required rate of return) the expected net cash flows from the project. DiscountingThe process of finding the present value of a series of future cash flows. discounting is the reverse of compounding. Discounting of Accounts ReceivableShort-term financing in which accounts receivable are used as collateral to secure a loan. The lender does not buy the accounts receivable but simply uses them as collateral for the loan. Also called pledging of accounts receivable. Supplier DiscountAn amount deducted from an invoice by a supplier in exchange for quick payment (a typical example might be a 2% discount if paid in 10 days or the full amount of the invoice in 30 days). Related to : financial, finance, business, accounting, payroll, inventory, investment, money, inventory control, stock trading, financial advisor, tax advisor, credit. |