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economic production run (EPR) |
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Definition of economic production run (EPR)economic production run (EPR)an estimate of the number
Related Terms:economic components modelAbrams’ model for calculating DLOM based on the interaction of discounts from four economic components. runupthe period before a formal announcement of a takeover bid in which one or more bidders are either preparing to make an announcement or speculating that someone else will. Accelerated depreciationAny depreciation method that produces larger deductions for depreciation in the Book runnerThe managing underwriter for a new issue. The book runner maintains the book of securities sold. DepreciateTo allocate the purchase cost of an asset over its life. DepreciationA non-cash expense that provides a source of free cash flow. Amount allocated during the Depreciation tax shieldThe value of the tax write-off on depreciation of plant and equipment. ![]() Double-declining-balance depreciationMethod of accelerated depreciation. Economic assumptionseconomic environment in which the firm expects to reside over the life of the Economic defeasanceSee: in-substance defeasance. Economic dependenceExists when the costs and/or revenues of one project depend on those of another. Economic earningsThe real flow of cash that a firm could pay out forever in the absence of any change in Economic exposureThe extent to which the value of the firm will change because of an exchange rate change. Economic incomeCash flow plus change in present value. Economic order quantity (EOQ)The order quantity that minimizes total inventory costs. Economic rentsProfits in excess of the competitive level. Economic riskIn project financing, the risk that the project's output will not be salable at a price that will Economic surplusFor any entity, the difference between the market value of all its assets and the market Economic unionAn agreement between two or more countries that allows the free movement of capital, Leading economic indicatorseconomic series that tend to rise or fall in advance of the rest of the economy. Long runA period of time in which all costs are variable; greater than one year. Long runA period of time in which all costs are variable; greater than one year. Non-reproducible assetsA tangible asset with unique physical properties, like a parcel of land, a mine, or a On the runThe most recently issued (and, therefore, typically the most liquid) government bond in a Production payment financingA method of nonrecourse asset-based financing in which a specified Production-flow commitmentAn agreement by the loan purchaser to allow the monthly loan quota to be Registered representativeA person registered with the CFTC who is employed by, and soliciting business Reproducible assetsA tangible asset with physical properties that can be reproduced, such as a building or RunA run consists of a series of bid and offer quotes for different securities or maturities. Dealers give to and Short-run operating activitiesEvents and decisions concerning the short-term finance of a firm, such as Straight line depreciationAn equal dollar amount of depreciation in each accounting period. Sum-of-the-years'-digits depreciationMethod of accelerated depreciation. DepreciationA technique by which a company recovers the high cost of its plant-and-equipment assets gradually during the number of years they’ll be used in the business. Depreciation can be physical, technological, or both. STRAIGHT-LINE DEPRECIATIONA depreciation method that depreciates an asset the same amount for each year of its estimated UNITS OF PRODUCTIONA depreciation method that relates a machine’s depreciation to the number of units it makes each DepreciationAn expense that spreads the cost of an asset over its useful life. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA)The operating profit before deducting interest, tax, depreciation and amortization. Economic Value Added (EVA)Operating profit, adjusted to remove distortions caused by certain accounting rules, less a charge Non-production overheadA general term referring to period costs, such as selling, administration and financial expenses. Production overheadA general term referring to indirect costs. Accumulated depreciationA contra-fixed asset account representing the portion of the cost of a fixed asset that has been previously charged to expense. Each fixed asset account will have its own associated accumulated depreciation account. Depreciation expenseAn expense account that represents the portion of the cost of an asset that is being charged to expense during the current period. accelerated depreciation(1) The estimated useful life of the fixed asset being depreciated is accumulated depreciationA contra, or offset, account that is coupled depreciationRefers to the generally accepted accounting principle of allocating straight-line depreciationThis depreciation method allocates a uniform cost of production reporta process costing document that economic integrationthe creation of multi-country markets economic order quantity (EOQ)an estimate of the number economically reworkedwhen the incremental revenue from the sale of reworked defective units is greater than economic value added (EVA)a measure of the extent to which income exceeds the dollar cost of capital; calculated equivalent units of production (EUP)an approximation of the number of whole units of output that could have been tax benefit (of depreciation)the amount of depreciation deductible for tax purposes multiplied by the tax rate; tax shield (of depreciation)the amount of depreciation deductible DepreciationReduction in value of fixed or tangible assets over some period Accelerated depreciationAny of several methods that recognize an increased amount Accumulated depreciationThe sum total of all deprecation expense recognized to date DepreciationBoth the decline in value of an asset over time, as well as the gradual Economic lifeThe period over which a company expects to be able to use an asset. Production yield varianceThe difference between the actual and budgeted proportions depreciation tax shieldReduction in taxes attributable to the depreciation allowance. economic order quantityOrder size that minimizes total inventory costs. economic value added (EVA)Term used by the consulting firm Stern Stewart for profit remaining after deduction of the cost straight-line depreciationConstant depreciation for each year of the asset’s accounting life. Aggregate Production FunctionAn equation determining aggregate output as a function of aggregate inputs such as labor and capital. Classical MacroeconomicsThe school of macroeconomic thought prior to the rise of Keynesianism. Credit CrunchA decline in the ability or willingness of banks to lend. Depreciationa) Of capital stock: decline in the value of capital due to its wearing out or becoming obsolete. Depreciation AllowancesTax deductions that businesses can claim when they spend money on investment goods. DepressionA prolonged period of very low economic activity with large-scale unemployment. EconomicsThe study of the allocation and distribution of scare resources among competing wants. Factor of ProductionA resource used to produce a good or service. The main macroeconomic factors of production are capital and labor. Great DepressionThe period of very high unemployment during the early 1930s. MacroeconomicsThe study of the determination of economic aggregates such as total output and the price level. MicroeconomicsThe study of firm and individual decisions insofar as they affect the allocation and distribution of goods and services. Supply-Side EconomicsView that incentives to work, save, and invest play an important role in determining economic activity by affecting the supply side of the economy. DepreciationThe systematic and rational allocation of the cost of property, plant, and equipment Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA)An earningsbased measure that, for many, serves as a surrogate for cash flow. Actually consists of working EBDDT - Earnings before depreciation and deferred taxesThis measure is used principally by Lean productionThe technique of stripping all non-value-added activities from OverrunA manufactured or received quantity exceeding the planned amount. Process flow productionA production configuration in which products are continually Reprocessed materialMaterial that has been reworked and returned to stock. DepreciationAmortization of fixed assets, such as plant and equipment, so as to allocate the cost over their depreciable life. Undepreciated Capital CostsThe tax definition of the value of an asset that is eligible for tax deprecation. Related to : financial, finance, business, accounting, payroll, inventory, investment, money, inventory control, stock trading, financial advisor, tax advisor, credit. |