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Expected future cash flows |
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Definition of Expected future cash flowsExpected future cash flowsProjected future cash flows associated with an asset of decision.
Related Terms:Net present value (NPV)The present value of the expected future cash flows minus the cost. NPV (net present value of cash flows)Same as PV, but usually includes a subtraction for an initial cash outlay. PV (present value of cash flows)the value in today’s dollars of cash flows that occur in different time periods. CashThe value of assets that can be converted into cash immediately, as reported by a company. Usually Cash budgetA forecasted summary of a firm's expected cash inflows and cash outflows as well as its Cash and carryPurchase of a security and simultaneous sale of a future, with the balance being financed Cash and equivalentsThe value of assets that can be converted into cash immediately, as reported by a ![]() Cash commodityThe actual physical commodity, as distinguished from a futures contract. Cash conversion cycleThe length of time between a firm's purchase of inventory and the receipt of cash Cash cowA company that pays out all earnings per share to stockholders as dividends. Or, a company or Cash cycleIn general, the time between cash disbursement and cash collection. In net working capital Cash deficiency agreementAn agreement to invest cash in a project to the extent required to cover any cash Cash deliveryThe provision of some futures contracts that requires not delivery of underlying assets but Cash discountAn incentive offered to purchasers of a firm's product for payment within a specified time Cash dividendA dividend paid in cash to a company's shareholders. The amount is normally based on Cash equivalentA short-term security that is sufficiently liquid that it may be considered the financial ![]() Cash flowIn investments, it represents earnings before depreciation , amortization and non-cash charges. Cash flow after interest and taxesNet income plus depreciation. Cash flow coverage ratioThe number of times that financial obligations (for interest, principal payments, Cash flow from operationsA firm's net cash inflow resulting directly from its regular operations Cash flow matchingAlso called dedicating a portfolio, this is an alternative to multiperiod immunization in Cash flow per common sharecash flow from operations minus preferred stock dividends, divided by the Cash flow time-lineLine depicting the operating activities and cash flows for a firm over a particular period. Cash-flow break-even pointThe point below which the firm will need either to obtain additional financing Cash management billVery short maturity bills that the Treasury occasionally sells because its cash Cash marketsAlso called spot markets, these are markets that involve the immediate delivery of a security Cash offerA public equity issue that is sold to all interested investors. Cash ratioThe proportion of a firm's assets held as cash. Cash settlement contractsfutures contracts, such as stock index futures, that settle for cash, not involving Cash transactionA transaction where exchange is immediate, as contrasted to a forward contract, which Cash-equivalent itemsTemporary investments of currently excess cash in short-term, high-quality Cash-surrender valueAn amount the insurance company will pay if the policyholder ends a whole life CashoutRefers to a situation where a firm runs out of cash and cannot readily sell marketable securities. Currency futureA financial future contract for the delivery of a specified foreign currency. Deferred futuresThe most distant months of a futures contract. A bond that sells at a discount and does not Discounted cash flow (DCF)future cash flows multiplied by discount factors to obtain present values. Discretionary cash flowcash flow that is available after the funding of all positive NPV capital investment Equivalent annual cash flowAnnuity with the same net present value as the company's proposed investment. Expected future returnThe return that is expected to be earned on an asset in the future. Also called the Expected returnThe return expected on a risky asset based on a probability distribution for the possible rates Expected return on investmentThe return one can expect to earn on an investment. See: capital asset Expected return-beta relationshipImplication of the CAPM that security risk premiums will be Expected valueThe weighted average of a probability distribution. Expected value of perfect informationThe expected value if the future uncertain outcomes could be known Financial futureA contract entered into now that provides for the delivery of a specified asset in exchange Free cash flowscash not required for operations or for reinvestment. Often defined as earnings before FutureA term used to designate all contracts covering the sale of financial instruments or physical Future investment opportunitiesThe options to identify additional, more valuable investment opportunities Future valueThe amount of cash at a specified date in the future that is equivalent in value to a specified FuturesA term used to designate all contracts covering the sale of financial instruments or physical Futures commission merchantA firm or person engaged in soliciting or accepting and handling orders for Futures contractAgreement to buy or sell a set number of shares of a specific stock in a designated future Futures contract multipleA constant, set by an exchange, which when multiplied by the futures price gives Futures marketA market in which contracts for future delivery of a commodity or a security are bought or sold. Futures optionAn option on a futures contract. Related: options on physicals. Futures priceThe price at which the parties to a futures contract agree to transact on the settlement date. General cash offerA public offering made to investors at large. Incremental cash flowsDifference between the firm's cash flows with and without a project. Ledger cashA firm's cash balance as reported in its financial statements. Also called book cash. London International Financial Futures Exchange (LIFFE)A London exchange where Eurodollar futures London International Financial Futures Exchange (LIFFE)London exchange where Eurodollar futures as well as futures-style options are traded. Most distant futures contractWhen several futures contracts are considered, the contract settling last. National Futures Association (NFA)The futures industry self regulatory organization established in 1982. Nearby futures contractWhen several futures contracts are considered, the contract with the closest Net cash balanceBeginning cash balance plus cash receipts minus cash disbursements. Net present value of future investmentsThe present value of the total sum of NPVs expected to result from Next futures contractThe contract settling immediately after the nearby futures contract. Nominal cash flowA cash flow expressed in nominal terms if the actual dollars to be received or paid out are given. Noncash chargeA cost, such as depreciation, depletion, and amortization, that does not involve any cash outflow. Operating cash flowEarnings before depreciation minus taxes. It measures the cash generated from Real cash flowA cash flow is expressed in real terms if the current, or date 0, purchasing power of the cash Scheduled cash flowsThe mortgage principal and interest payments due to be paid under the terms of the Spot futures parity theoremDescribes the theoretically correct relationship between spot and futures prices. Statement of cash flowsA financial statement showing a firm's cash receipts and cash payments during a Statement-of-cash-flows methodA method of cash budgeting that is organized along the lines of the statement of cash flows. Symmetric cash matchingAn extension of cash flow matching that allows for the short-term borrowing of Target cash balanceOptimal amount of cash for a firm to hold, considering the trade-off between the Theoretical futures priceAlso called the fair price, the equilibrium futures price. Wanted for cashA statement displayed on market tickers indicating that a bidder will pay cash for same day CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTSThe balance in a company’s checking account(s) plus short-term or temporary investments (sometimes called “marketable securities”), which are highly liquid. CASH-FLOW STATEMENTA statement that shows where a company’s cash came from and where it went for a period of time, such as a year. CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIESA section on the cash-flow statement that shows how much cash a company raised by selling stocks or bonds this year and how much was paid out for cash dividends and other finance-related obligations. CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIESA section on the cashflow statement that shows how much cash came in and went out because of various investing activities like purchasing machinery. CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATIONSA section on the cash-flow Stockholders’ equity statement that shows how much cash came into a company and how much went out during the normal course of business. Cash accountingA method of accounting in which profit is calculated as the difference between income Cash costThe amount of cash expended. Cash Flow statementA financial report that shows the movement in cash for a business during an accounting period. Cash value added (CVA)A method of investment appraisal that calculates the ratio of the net present value of an Discounted cash flow (DCF)A method of investment appraisal that discounts future cash flows to present value using a discount rate, which is the risk-adjusted cost of capital. CashAmounts held in currency and coin (commonly referred to as petty cash) and amounts on deposit in financial institutions. Cash receipts journalA journal used to record the transactions that result in a debit to cash. Petty cashThe amount of currency and coin that a company keeps on hand to pay for small purchases and expenses. Statement of Cash FlowsOne of the basic financial statements; it lists the cash inflows and cash outflows of the company, grouped into the categories of operating activities, financing activities, and investing activities. The Statement of cash flows is prepared for a specified period of time. cash burn rateA relatively recent term that refers to how fast a business cash flowAn obvious but at the same time elusive term that refers to cash cash flow from operating activities, or cash flow from profitThis equals the cash inflow from sales during the period minus the cash statement of cash flowsOne of the three primary financial statements discounted cash flow (DCF)Refers to a capital investment analysis technique free cash flowGenerally speaking, this term refers to cash flow from Related to : financial, finance, business, accounting, payroll, inventory, investment, money, inventory control, stock trading, financial advisor, tax advisor, credit. |