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Definition of Federally related institutionsFederally related institutionsArms of the federal government that are exempt from SEC registration and
Related Terms:Arms indexAlso known as a trading index (TRIN)= (number of advancing issues)/ (number of declining Asset-backed securityA SECurity that is collateralized by loans, leases, receivables, or installment contracts Best-interests-of-creditors testThe requirement that a claim holder voting against a plan of reorganization Book-entry securitiesThe Treasury and federal agencies are moving to a book-entry system in which SECurities are not represented by engraved pieces of paper but are maintained in computerized records at the Comparative credit analysisA method of analysis in which a firm is compared to others that have a desired Consumer creditcredit granted by a firm to consumers for the purchase of goods or services. Also called Convertible securityA SECurity that can be converted into common stock at the option of the SECurity holder, ![]() CreditMoney loaned. Credit analysisThe process of analyzing information on companies and bond issues in order to estimate the Credit enhancementPurchase of the financial guarantee of a large insurance company to raise funds. Credit periodThe length of time for which the customer is granted credit. Credit riskThe risk that an issuer of debt SECurities or a borrower may default on his obligations, or that the Credit scoringA statistical technique wherein several financial characteristics are combined to form a single Credit spreadRelated:Quality spread Crediting rateThe interest rate offered on an investment type insurance policy. CreditorLender of money. ![]() Cross-sectional approachA statistical methodology applied to a set of firms at a particular point in time. Debt securitiesIOUs created through loan-type transactions - commercial paper, bank CDs, bills, bonds, and Demand line of creditA bank line of credit that enables a customer to borrow on a daily or on-demand basis. Derivative securityA financial SECurity, such as an option, or future, whose value is derived in part from the Discount securitiesNon-interest-bearing money market instruments that are issued at a discount and EurocreditsIntermediate-term loans of Eurocurrencies made by banking syndicates to corporate and Evergreen creditRevolving credit without maturity. Exchangeable SecuritySECurity that grants the SECurity holder the right to exchange the SECurity for the Exempt securitiesInstruments exempt from the registration requirements of the SECurities Act of 1933 or the Federal agency securitiesSECurities issued by corporations and agencies created by the U.S. government, Federal credit agenciesAgencies of the federal government set up to supply credit to various classes of ![]() Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)A federal institution that insures bank deposits. Federal Financing BankA federal institution that lends to a wide array of federal credit agencies funds it Federal fundsNon-interest bearing deposits held in reserve for depository institutions at their district federal Federal funds marketThe market where banks can borrow or lend reserves, allowing banks temporarily Federal funds rateThis is the interest rate that banks with excess reserves at a federal Reserve district bank Federal Home Loan BanksThe institutions that regulate and lend to savings and loan associations. The Federal Reserve SystemThe central bank of the U.S., established in 1913, and governed by the federal Five Cs of creditFive characteristics that are used to form a judgement about a customer's creditworthiness: Fixed-dollar securityA nonnegotiable debt SECurity that can be redeemed at some fixed price or according to Foreign tax creditHome country credit against domestic income tax for foreign taxes paid on foreign Freddie Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation)A Congressionally chartered corporation that Full faith-and-credit obligationsThe SECurity pledges for larger municipal bond issuers, such as states and Full coupon bondA bond with a coupon equal to the going market rate, thereby, the bond is selling at par. Full priceAlso called dirty price, the price of a bond including accrued interest. Related: flat price. Full-payout leaseSee: financial lease. Full-service leaseAlso called rental lease. Lease in which the lessor promises to maintain and insure the Fully diluted earnings per sharesEarnings per share expressed as if all outstanding convertible SECurities Fully modified pass-throughsAgency pass-throughs that guarantee the timely payment of both interest and Government bondSee: government SECurities. Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae)A wholly owned U.S. government corporation Government sponsored enterprisesPrivately owned, publicly chartered entities, such as the Student Loan Government securitiesNegotiable U.S. Treasury SECurities. Host securityThe SECurity to which a warrant is attached. Hybrid securityA convertible SECurity whose optioned common stock is trading in a middle range, causing Intermarket sectorspread The spread between the interest rate offered in two SECtors of the bond market for Intramarket sector spreadThe spread between two issues of the same maturity within a market SECtor. For Investment tax creditProportion of new capital investment that can be used to reduce a company's tax bill Letter of credit (L/C)A form of guarantee of payment issued by a bank used to guarantee the payment of Line of credit An informal arrangement between a bank and a customer establishing a maximum loan Line of creditAn informal arrangement between a bank and a customer establishing a maximum loan Manufactured housing securities (MHSs)Loans on manufactured homes - that is, factory-built or Market sectorsThe classifications of bonds by issuer characteristics, such as state government, corporate, or utility. Monthly income preferred security (MIP)Preferred stock issued by a subsidiary located in a tax haven. Mortgage pass-through securityAlso called a passthrough, a SECurity created when one or more mortgage Mortgage-Backed Securities Clearing CorporationA wholly owned subsidiary of the Midwest Stock Mortgage-backed securitiesSECurities backed by a pool of mortgage loans. Pass-through securitiesA pool of fixed-income SECurities backed by a package of assets (i.e. mortgages) Primitive securityAn instrument such as a stock or bond for which payments depend only on the financial Project loan securitiesSECurities backed by a variety of FHA-insured loan types - primarily multi-family Public Securities Administration (PSA)The trade association for primary dealers in U.S. government Registration statementA legal document that is filed with the SEC to register SECurities for public offering. Retail creditcredit granted by a firm to consumers for the purchase of goods or services. Revolving credit agreementA legal commitment wherein a bank promises to lend a customer up to a Revolving line of creditA bank line of credit on which the customer pays a commitment fee and can take SECThe SECurities and Exchange Commission, the primary federal regulatory agency of the SECurities Second pass regressionA cross-SECtional regression of portfolio returns on betas. The estimated slope is the Secondary issue1) Procedure for selling blocks of seasoned issues of stocks. Secondary marketThe market where SECurities are traded after they are initially offered in the primary SectorRefers to a group of SECurities that are similar with respect to maturity, type, rating, industry, and/or coupon. Section 482United States Department of Treasury regulations governing transfer prices. Secured debtDebt that, in the event of default, has first claim on specified assets. Securities & Exchange CommissionThe SEC is a federal agency that regulates the U.S.financial markets. Securities analystsRelated:financial analysts SecuritizationThe process of creating a passthrough, such as the mortgage pass-through SECurity, by which SecurityPiece of paper that proves ownership of stocks, bonds and other investments. Security characteristic lineA plot of the excess return on a SECurity over the risk-free rate as a function of Security deposit (initial)Synonymous with the term margin. A cash amount of funds that must be deposited Security deposit (maintenance)Related: Maintenance margin SECurity market line (SML). A description of Security market lineLine representing the relationship between expected return and market risk. Security selection decisionChoosing the particular SECurities to include in a portfolio. Shelf registrationA procedure that allows firms to file one registration statement covering several issues of Short-term tax exemptsShort-term SECurities issued by states, municipalities, local housing agencies, and Small issues exemptionSECurities issues that involve less than $1.5 million are not required to file a Stripped mortgage-backed securities (SMBSs)SECurities that redistribute the cash flows from the Tax-exempt sectorThe municipal bond market where state and local governments raise funds. Bonds issued Trade creditcredit granted by a firm to another firm for the purchase of goods or services. Treasury securitiesSECurities issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury. Underlying securityOptions: the SECurity subject to being purchased or sold upon exercise of an option Unsecured debtDebt that does not identify specific assets that can be taken over by the debtholder in case of default. Variable price securityA SECurity, such as stocks or bonds, that sells at a fluctuating, market-determined price. CreditBuying or selling goods or services now with the intention of payment following at some time in CreditorsPurchases of goods or services from suppliers on credit to whom the debt is not yet paid. Or a Related to : financial, finance, business, accounting, payroll, inventory, investment, money, inventory control, stock trading, financial advisor, tax advisor, credit. |