Financial Terms

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Definition of grapevine

Grapevine Image 1


the informal relationships and channels of communication
that exist in an organization

Related Terms:

OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)

A cartel of oil-producing countries.

Plan for reorganization

A plan for reorganizing a firm during the Chapter 11 bankruptcy process.


Creating a plan to restructure a debtor's business and restore its financial health.

Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT)

A dedicated computer network to support funds transfer messages internationally between over 900 member banks worldwide.

network organization

a flexible organization structure that
establishes a working relationship among multiple entities,
usually to pursue a single function

organizational culture

the set of basic assumptions about
the organization and its goals and ways of doing business;
a system of shared values about what is important and
beliefs about how things get accomplished; it provides a
framework that organizes and directs employee behavior
at work; it describes an organization’s norms in internal
and external, as well as formal and informal, transactions

organizational-level cost

a cost incurred to support the ongoing
facility or operations

Grapevine Image 1

organizational structure

the manner in which authority and
responsibility for decision making is distributed in an entity

organization chart

a depiction of the functions, divisions,
and positions of the people/jobs in a company and how
they are related; it also indicates the lines of authority and

organizational form

an entity’s legal nature (for example,
sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation)

World Trade Organization (WTO)

the arbiter of global trade that was created in 1995 under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade; each signatory country has one
vote in trade disputes


Restructuring of financial claims on failing firm to allow it to keep operating.

Pre-existing medical condition (Credit Insurance)

A medical condition that existed before you became insured. Most policies exclude benefits if the condition is related to the event that triggers a claim if occurs within a certain period (6-12 months) after you became insured.







Related to : financial, finance, business, accounting, payroll, inventory, investment, money, inventory control, stock trading, financial advisor, tax advisor, credit.

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