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Gross domestic product (GDP) |
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Definition of Gross domestic product (GDP)Gross domestic product (GDP)The market value of goods and services produced over time including the
Related Terms:Domestic International Sales Corporation (DISC)A U.S. corporation that receives a tax incentive for Domestic marketPart of a nation's internal market representing the mechanisms for issuing and trading Gross interestInterest earned before taxes are deducted. Gross national product (GNP)Measures and economy's total income. It is equal to gdp plus the income Gross profit margingross profit divided by sales, which is equal to each sales dollar left over after paying Gross spreadThe fraction of the gross proceeds of an underwritten securities offering that is paid as Investment product line (IPML)The line of required returns for investment projects as a function of beta ![]() Product cycleThe time it takes to bring new and/or improved products to market. Product riskA type of mortgage-pipeline risk that occurs when a lender has an unusual loan in production or Production payment financingA method of nonrecourse asset-based financing in which a specified Production-flow commitmentAn agreement by the loan purchaser to allow the monthly loan quota to be GROSS PROFITThe profit a company makes before expenses and taxes are taken away. UNITS OF PRODUCTIONA depreciation method that relates a machine’s depreciation to the number of units it makes each Gross profitThe difference between the price at which goods or services are sold and the cost of sales. Non-production overheadA general term referring to period costs, such as selling, administration and financial expenses. Product costThe cost of goods or services produced. ![]() Product marketA business’s investment in technology, people and materials in order to make, buy and sell products or services to customers. Product/service mixSee sales mix. Production overheadA general term referring to indirect costs. Gross profitThe result of subtracting cost of goods sold from sales. Synonymous with gross margin. gross margin, or gross profitThis first-line measure of profit product costThis is a key factor in the profit model of a business. product by-productan incidental output of a joint process; it is salable, cost of production reporta process costing document that economic production run (EPR)an estimate of the number equivalent units of production (EUP)an approximation of the number of whole units of output that could have been grade (of product or service)the addition or removal of product process productivitythe total units produced during a period product complexityan assessment about the number of components in a product product contribution marginthe difference between selling price and variable cost of goods sold product costa cost associated with making or acquiring inventory productive capacitythe number of total units that could be product- (or process-) level costa cost that is caused by the development, production, or acquisition of specific products or services product life cyclea model depicting the stages through product line marginsee segment margin product varietythe number of different types of products By-productA product that is an ancillary part of the primary production process, having Gross marginRevenues less the cost of goods sold. Gross salesThe total sales recorded prior to sales discounts and returns. Joint productA product that has the highest sales value from among a group of products Product costThe total of all costs assigned to a product, typically including direct Production yield varianceThe difference between the actual and budgeted proportions Aggregate Production FunctionAn equation determining aggregate output as a function of aggregate inputs such as labor and capital. Factor of ProductionA resource used to produce a good or service. The main macroeconomic factors of production are capital and labor. GDPSee gross domestic product. GDP DeflatorPrice index used to deflate nominal gdp to real gdp by dividing nominal gdp by the gdp deflator. Gross Domestic ProductTotal output of final goods and services produced within a country during a year. Gross National ProductTotal output of final goods and services produced by a country's citizens during a year. National Income and Product AccountsThe national accounting system that records economic activity such as gdp and related measures. Net Domestic Productgdp minus depreciation. Net National ProductGNP minus depreciation. Potential Output or Potential GDPOutput produced when the economy is operating at its natural rate of unemployment. ProductivityOutput per unit of input, usually measured as output per hour of labor. Real GDPgdp expressed in base-year dollars, calculated by dividing nominal gdp by a price index. Gross PayThe amount of earnings due to an employee prior to tax and other deductions. Gross ProfitRevenue less cost of goods sold. Gross Profit Margingross profit divided by revenue. Sales Revenue Revenue recognized from the sales of products as opposed to the provision ofservices. By-productA material created incidental to a production process, which can be Lean productionThe technique of stripping all non-value-added activities from Process flow productionA production configuration in which products are continually ProductAny item intended for sale.
Related to : financial, finance, business, accounting, payroll, inventory, investment, money, inventory control, stock trading, financial advisor, tax advisor, credit. |