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Information costs |
Information about financial, finance, business, accounting, payroll, inventory, investment, money, inventory control, stock trading, financial advisor, tax advisor, credit.
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Definition of Information costsInformation costsTransaction costs that include the assessment of the investment merits of a financial asset.
Related Terms:Search costscosts associated with locating a counterparty to a trade, including explicit costs (such as Agency costsThe incremental costs of having an agent make decisions for a principal. Asymmetric informationinformation that is known to some people but not to other people. Carring costscosts that increase with increases in the level of investment in current assets. Execution costsThe difference between the execution price of a security and the price that would have Expected value of perfect informationThe expected value if the future uncertain outcomes could be known Financial distress costsLegal and administrative costs of liquidation or reorganization. Also includes ![]() Friction costscosts, both implied and direct, associated with a transaction. Such costs include time, effort, Incremental costs and benefitscosts and benefits that would occur if a particular course of action were Information asymmetryA situation involving information that is known to some, but not all, participants. Information Coefficient (IC)The correlation between predicted and actual stock returns, sometimes used to Information servicesOrganizations that furnish investment and other types of information, such as Information-content effectThe rise in the stock price following the dividend signal. Informational efficiencyThe speed and accuracy with which prices reflect new information. Informationless tradesTrades that are the result of either a reallocation of wealth or an implementation of an Information-motivated tradesTrades in which an investor believes he or she possesses pertinent ![]() Insider informationRelevant information about a company that has not yet been made public. It is illegal for Market impact costsAlso called price impact costs, the result of a bid/ask spread and a dealer's price concession. Market timing costscosts that arise from price movement of the stock during the time of the transaction Opportunity costsThe difference in the performance of an actual investment and a desired investment Price impact costsRelated: market impact costs Round-trip transactions costscosts of completing a transaction, including commissions, market impact Sunk costscosts that have been incurred and cannot be reversed. Trading costscosts of buying and selling marketable securities and borrowing. Trading costs include Transactions costsThe time, effort, and money necessary, including such things as commission fees and the Avoidable costscosts that are identifiable with and able to be influenced by decisions made at the business Direct costscosts that are readily traceable to particular products or services. ![]() Fixed costscosts that do not change with increases or decreases in the volume of goods or services Indirect costscosts that are necessary to produce a product/service but are not readily traceable to particular products or services – see overhead. Period costsThe costs that relate to a period of time. Semi-fixed costs costs that are constant within a defined level of activity but that can increase or decrease when Semi-variable costscosts that have both fixed and variable components. Standard costsA budget cost for materials and labour used for decision-making, usually expressed as a per unit cost that is applied to standard quantities from a bill of materials and to standard times from a Sunk costscosts that have been incurred in the past. capitalization of costsWhen a cost is recorded originally as an increase fixed expenses (costs)Expenses or costs that remain the same in amount, overhead costsOverhead generally refers to indirect, in contrast to direct, informationbits of knowledge or fact that have been carefully management information system (MIS)a structure of interrelated elements that collects, organizes, and communicates carrying costscosts of maintaining current assets, including opportunity cost of capital. costs of financial distresscosts arising from bankruptcy or distorted business decisions before bankruptcy. fixed costscosts that do not depend on the level of output. information content of dividendsDividend increases send good news about cash flow and earnings. Dividend cuts send bad news. shortage costscosts incurred from shortages in current assets. sunk costscosts that have been incurred and cannot be recovered. variable costscosts that change as the level of output changes. Menu CostsThe costs to firms of changing their prices. Costs Capitalized in StealthA particularly egregious form of aggressive cost capitalization Policy Acquisition Costscosts incurred by insurance companies in signing new policies, including expenditures on commissions and other selling expenses, promotion expenses, premium Political CostsThe costs of additional regulation, including higher taxes, borne by large and Preopening CostsA form of start-up cost incurred in preparing for the opening of a new store or facility. Start-up Costscosts related to such onetime activities as opening a new facility, introducing Medical Information BureauThis organization was established in 1902. The Medical information Bureau (M.I.B.) is a non-profit association of life insurance companies. Its purpose is to detect and deter fraud by providing warnings called, alerts, to member companies. For example, if an insurance applicant advised one insurance company of a heart attack and then applied to another insurance company omitting this history, codes, reported by the first insurance company, indicating a heart attack would alert the second insurance company to the undisclosed history. It is a rarity, however, that the alert is the only notice of a specific medical impairement as most applicants completely disclose their history. Funding CostsThe price of obtaining capital, either borrowed or equity, with intent to carry on business operations. Future-Oriented Financial Informationinformation about prospective results of operations, financial position and/or changes in financial position, based on assumptions about future economic conditions and courses of action. Future-oriented financial information is presented as either a forecast or a projection. Undepreciated Capital CostsThe tax definition of the value of an asset that is eligible for tax deprecation. Capital market imperfections viewThe view that issuing debt is generally valuable but that the firm's Expense ratioThe percentage of the assets that were spent to run a mutual fund (as of the last annual Marketplace price efficiencyThe degree to which the prices of assets reflect the available marketplace Management accountingThe production of financial and non-financial information used in planning for the future; making decisions about products, services, prices and what costs to incur; and ensuring that plans are implemented and achieved. activity-based costing (ABC)a process using multiple cost drivers to predict and allocate costs to products and services; business process reengineering (BPR)the process of combining information technology to create new and more effective cost-benefit analysis the analytical process of comparing therelative costs and benefits that result from a specific course cost tablea database providing information about the impact Related to : financial, finance, business, accounting, payroll, inventory, investment, money, inventory control, stock trading, financial advisor, tax advisor, credit. |