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least squares regression analysis |
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Definition of least squares regression analysisleast squares regression analysisa statistical technique that investigates the association between dependent and independent variables; it determines the line of "best fit" for a set of observations by minimizing the sum of the squares
Related Terms:dispersionthe degree of variability or difference; it is measured method of least squaressee least squares regression analysis Ordinary least squares (OLS)regression analysis a statistical technique that minimizes the sum of the squared deviations between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables and provides the user BARRA's performance analysis (PERFAN)A method developed by BARRA, a consulting firm in Break-even analysisAn analysis of the level of sales at which a project would make zero profit. Cluster analysisA statistical technique that identifies clusters of stocks whose returns are highly correlated Common-base-year analysisThe representing of accounting information over multiple years as percentages ![]() Comparative credit analysisA method of analysis in which a firm is compared to others that have a desired Credit analysisThe process of analyzing information on companies and bond issues in order to estimate the Discriminant analysisA statistical process that links the probability of default to a specified set of financial ratios. Factor analysisA statistical procedure that seeks to explain a certain phenomenon, such as the return on a First-pass regressionA time series regression to estimate the betas of securities portfolios. Fundamental analysisSecurity analysis that seeks to detect misvalued securities by an analysis of the firm's Horizon analysisAn analysis of returns using total return to assess performance over some investment horizon. Horizontal analysisThe process of dividing each expense item of a given year by the same expense item in Linear regressionA statistical technique for fitting a straight line to a set of data points. Log-linear least-squares methodA statistical technique for fitting a curve to a set of data points. One of the Mean-variance analysisEvaluation of risky prospects based on the expected value and variance of possible outcomes. Multiple regressionThe estimated relationship between a dependent variable and more than one explanatory variable. Multiple-discriminant analysis (MDA)Statistical technique for distinguishing between two groups on the Performance attribution analysisThe decomposition of a money manager's performance results to explain Pro forma capital structure analysisA method of analyzing the impact of alternative capital structure Regression analysisA statistical technique that can be used to estimate relationships between variables. Regression equationAn equation that describes the average relationship between a dependent variable and a Regression toward the meanThe tendency for subsequent observations of a random variable to be closer to its mean. Scenario analysisThe use of horizon analysis to project bond total returns under different reinvestment rates Second pass regressionA cross-sectional regression of portfolio returns on betas. The estimated slope is the Sensitivity analysisanalysis of the effect on a project's profitability due to changes in sales, cost, and so on. Simple linear regressionA regression analysis between only two variables, one dependent and the other explanatory. Technical analysisSecurity analysis that seeks to detect and interpret patterns in past security prices. Vertical analysisThe process of dividing each expense item in the income statement of a given year by net VERTICAL ANALYSISA financial analysis technique that relates key amounts on the income statement and balance sheet to a 100 percent or base figure for the present and previous year. Cost–volume–profit analysis (CVP)A method for understanding the relationship between revenue, cost and sales volume. Ratio analysisA method of analysing financial reports to interpret trends and make comparisons by using ratios – two numbers, with one generally expressed as a percentage of the other. Sensitivity analysisAn approach to understanding how changes in one variable of cost–volume–profit analysis are affected by changes in the other variables. Variance analysisA method of budgetary control that compares actual performance against plan, investigates the causes of the variance and takes corrective action to ensure that targets are achieved. Ratio analysisA method of relating numbers from the various financial statements to one another in order to get meaningful information for comparison. capital investment analysisRefers to various techniques and procedures Ratio AnalysisThe process of using financial ratios, calculated from key accounts activity analysisthe process of detailing the various repetitive actions that are performed in making a product or correlation analysisan analytical technique that uses statistical cost-benefit analysis the analytical process of comparing therelative costs and benefits that result from a specific course cost driver analysisthe process of investigating, quantifying, incremental analysisa process of evaluating changes that multiple regressiona statistical technique that uses two or Pareto analysisa method of ranking the causes of variation regression lineany line that goes through the means (or averages) of the set of observations for an independent variable and its dependent variables; mathematically, there is a line of “best fit,” which is the least squares regression line sensitivity analysisa process of determining the amount of change that must occur in a variable before a different decision would be made simple regressiona statistical technique that uses only one independent variable to predict a dependent variable variance analysisthe process of categorizing the nature (favorable or unfavorable) of the differences between standard and actual costs and determining the reasons for those differences Regression analysisStatistical analysis techniques that quantify the Pareto analysisThe 80:20 ratio that states that 20% of the variables included in an break-even analysisanalysis of the level of sales at which the company breaks even. credit analysisProcedure to determine the likelihood a customer will pay its bills. scenario analysisProject analysis given a particular combination of assumptions. sensitivity analysisanalysis of the effects of changes in sales, costs, and so on, on project profitability. simulation analysisEstimation of the probabilities of different possible outcomes, e.g., from an investment project. Cost-Benefit AnalysisThe calculation and comparison of the costs and benefits of a policy or project. Failure analysisThe examination of failure incidents to identify components Break-Even AnalysisAn analytical technique for studying the relationships between fixed cost, variable cost, and profits. A breakeven chart graphically depicts the nature of breakeven analysis. The breakeven point represents the volume of sales at which total costs equal total revenues (that is, profits equal zero). Financial Trend AnalysisProcess of analyzing financial statements of a company for any continuing relationship. Related to : financial, finance, business, accounting, payroll, inventory, investment, money, inventory control, stock trading, financial advisor, tax advisor, credit. |