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Leverage rebalancing |
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Definition of Leverage rebalancingLeverage rebalancingMaking transactions to adjust (rebalance) a firm's leverage ratio back to its target.
Related Terms:Debt leverageThe amplification of the return earned on equity when an investment or firm is financed Financial leverageUse of debt to increase the expected return on equity. Financial leverage is measured by Financial leverage clienteleA group of investors who have a preference for investing in firms that adhere to Financial leverage ratiosRelated: capitalization ratios. Highly leveraged transaction (HLT)Bank loan to a highly leveraged firm. Homemade leverageIdea that as long as individuals borrow (or lend) on the same terms as the firm, they can LeverageThe use of debt financing. ![]() Leverage clienteleA group of shareholders who, because of their personal leverage, seek to invest in Leverage ratiosMeasures of the relative contribution of stockholders and creditors, and of the firm's ability Leveraged betaThe beta of a leveraged required return; that is, the beta as adjusted for the degree of Leveraged buyout (LBO)A transaction used for taking a public corporation private financed through the use Leveraged equityStock in a firm that relies on financial leverage. Holders of leveraged equity face the Leveraged leaseA lease arrangement under which the lessor borrows a large proportion of the funds needed Leveraged portfolioA portfolio that includes risky assets purchased with funds borrowed. Leveraged required returnThe required return on an investment when the investment is financed partially by debt. Leveragehe use of debt financing. Leveraged portfolioA portfolio that includes risky assets purchased with funds borrowed. Net benefit to leverage factorA linear approximation of a factor, T*, that enables one to operationalize the Operating leverageFixed operating costs, so-called because they accentuate variations in profits. RebalancingRealigning the proportions of assets in a portfolio as needed. Unleveraged betaThe beta of an unleveraged required return (i.e. no debt) on an investment when the Unleveraged required returnThe required return on an investment when the investment is financed entirely financial leverageThe equity (ownership) capital of a business can serve operating leverageA relatively small percent increase or decrease in degree of operating leveragea factor that indicates how a percentage change in sales, from the existing or current operating leveragethe proportionate relationship between Leveraged buyoutThe purchase of one business entity by another, largely using borrowed degree of operating leverage (DOL)Percentage change in profits given a 1 percent change in sales. financial leverageDebt financing amplifies the effects of changes in operating income on the returns to stockholders. leveraged buyout (LBO)Acquisition of the firm by a private group using substantial borrowed funds. operating leverageDegree to which costs are fixed. LeverageThe relationship between interest bearing debt and equity in a company(financial leverage) or the effect of fixed expense on after tax earnings(operating leverage). Index Portfolio Rebalancing Service (IPRS)Index Portfolio rebalancing Service (IPRS) is a comprehensive investment service that can help increase potential returns while reducing volatility. Several portfolios are available, each with its own strategic balance of Index Funds. IPRS maintains your personal asset allocation by monitoring and rebalancing your portfolio semi-annually. Related to : financial, finance, business, accounting, payroll, inventory, investment, money, inventory control, stock trading, financial advisor, tax advisor, credit. |