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Monetary / non-monetary method |
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Definition of Monetary / non-monetary methodMonetary / non-monetary methodUnder this translation method, monetary items (e.g. cash, accounts
Related Terms:All or noneRequirement that none of an order be executed unless all of it can be executed at the specified price. All-or-none underwritingAn arrangement whereby a security issue is canceled if the underwriter is unable Capitalization methodA method of constructing a replicating portfolio in which the manager purchases a Current rate methodUnder this currency translation method, all foreign currency balance-sheet and income Direct estimate methodA method of cash budgeting based on detailed estimates of cash receipts and cash European Monetary System (EMS)An exchange arrangement formed in 1979 that involves the currencies Flow-through methodThe practice of reporting to shareholders using straight-line depreciation and ![]() International Monetary FundAn organization founded in 1944 to oversee exchange arrangements of International Monetary Market (IMM)A division of the CME established in 1972 for trading financial Log-linear least-squares methodA statistical technique for fitting a curve to a set of data points. One of the Monetary goldGold held by governmental authorities as a financial asset. Monetary policyActions taken by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System to influence the Non-cumulative preferred stockPreferred stock whose holders must forgo dividend payments when the Non-financial servicesInclude such things as freight, insurance, passenger services, and travel. Non-insured plansDefined benefit pension plans that are not guaranteed by life insurance products. Related: Non-parallel shift in the yield curveA shift in the yield curve in which yields do not change by the same ![]() Non-reproducible assetsA tangible asset with unique physical properties, like a parcel of land, a mine, or a Non-tradablesRefer to goods and services produced and consumed domestically that are not close Noncash chargeA cost, such as depreciation, depletion, and amortization, that does not involve any cash outflow. Noncompetitive bidIn a Treasury auction, bidding for a specific amount of securities at the price, whatever it Nondiversifiability of human capitalThe difficulty of diversifying one's human capital (the unique Nondiversifiable riskRisk that cannot be eliminated by diversification. Nonmarketed claimsClaims that cannot be easily bought and sold in the financial markets, such as those of NonrecourseWithout recourse, as in a non-recourse lease. NonredeemableNot permitted, under the terms of indenture, to be redeemed. NonrefundableNot permitted, under the terms of indenture, to be refundable. Nonsystematic risknonmarket or firm-specific risk factors that can be eliminated by diversification. Also ![]() Normalizing methodThe practice of making a charge in the income account equivalent to the tax savings Purchase methodAccounting for an acquisition using market value for the consolidation of the two entities' Residual methodA method of allocating the purchase price for the acquisition of another firm among the SIMEX (Singapore International Monetary Exchange)A leading futures and options exchange in Singapore. Simple compound growth methodA method of calculating the growth rate by relating the terminal value to Statement-of-cash-flows methodA method of cash budgeting that is organized along the lines of the statement of cash flows. Temporal methodUnder this currency translation method, the choice of exchange rate depends on the Non-production overheadA general term referring to period costs, such as selling, administration and financial expenses. Allowance methodA method of adjusting accounts receivable to the amount that is expected to be collected based on company experience. Direct methodA method of preparing the operating section of the Statement of Cash Flows that uses the company’s actual cash inflows and cash outflows. Direct write-off methodA method of adjusting accounts receivable to the amount that is expected to be collected by eliminating the account balances of specific nonpaying customers. Indirect methodA method of preparing the operating section of the Statement of Cash Flows that does not use the company’s actual cash inflows and cash outflows, but instead arrives at the net cash flow by taking net income and adjusting it for noncash expenses and the changes from last year in the current assets and current liabilities. algebraic methoda process of service department cost allocation direct methoda service department cost allocation approach dividend growth methoda method of computing the cost FIFO method (of process costing)the method of cost assignment that computes an average cost per equivalent high-low methoda technique used to determine the fixed judgmental method (of risk adjustment)an informal method of adjusting for risk that allows the decision maker method of least squaressee least squares regression analysis method of neglecta method of treating spoiled units in the modified FIFO method (of process costing)the method of cost assignment that uses FIFO to compute a cost per net present value methoda process that uses the discounted noncontrollable variancethe fixed overhead volume variance; non-negativity constrainta restriction in a linear programming non-value-added (NVA) activityan activity that increases the time spent on a product or service but that does not increase its worth or value to the customer risk-adjusted discount rate methoda formal method of adjusting for risk in which the decision maker increases the rate used for discounting the future cash flows to compensate for increased risk simplex methodan iterative (sequential) algorithm used to solve multivariable, multiconstraint linear programming problems six-sigma methoda high-performance, data-driven approach to analyzing and solving the root causes of business problems step methoda process of service department cost allocation strict FIFO method (of process costing)the method of cost assignment that uses FIFO to compute a cost per equivalent unit and, in transferring units from a department, keeps the weighted average method (of process costing)the method of cost assignment that computes an average cost per Bootstrapping, bootstrap methodAn arithmetic method for backing an First in, first-out costing method (FIFO)A process costing methodology that assigns the earliest Moving average inventory methodAn inventory costing methodology that calls for the re-calculation of the average cost of all parts in stock after every purchase. Payback methodA capital budgeting analysis method that calculates the amount of Purchase methodAn accounting method used to combine the financial statements of International Monetary Fund (IMF)Organization originally established to manage the postwar fixed exchange rate system. Monetary AggregateAny measure of the economy's money supply. Monetary BaseSee money base. Monetary PolicyActions taken by the central bank to change the supply of money and the interest rate and thereby affect economic activity. Benefit Ratio MethodThe proportion of unemployment benefits paid to a company’s Benefit Wage Ratio MethodThe proportion of total taxable wages for laid off Nonqualified Retirement PlanA pension plan that does not follow ERISA and Nonqualified Stock OptionA stock option not given any favorable tax treatment Average-Cost Inventory MethodThe inventory cost-flow assumption that assigns the average Completed-Contract MethodA contract accounting method that recognizes contract revenue Direct-Method FormatA format for the operating section of the cash-flow statement that reports actual cash receipts and cash disbursements from operating activities. Equity MethodAccounting method for an equity security in cases where the investor has sufficient First-In, First-Out (FIFO) Inventory MethodThe inventory cost-flow assumption that Full-Cost MethodA method of accounting for petroleum exploration and development expenditures Indirect-Method FormatA format for the operating section of the cash-flow statement that Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) Inventory MethodThe inventory cost-flow assumption that assigns the most recent inventory acquisition costs to cost of goods sold. The earliest inventory Nonmarketable SecurityA debt or equity security for which there is no posted price or bidand- Nonrecurring ItemsRevenues or gains and expenses or losses that are not expected to recur Percentage-of-Completion MethodA contract accounting method that recognizes contract Successful Efforts MethodA method of accounting for petroleum exploration and development Nonconforming materialAny inventory item that does not match its original design Nonsignificant part numberAn identifying number assigned to a part that conveys Non-Smoker DiscountIn October 1996 it was announced in the international news that scientists had finally located the link between cigarette smoking and lung cancer. In the early 1980's, some Canadian Life Insurance Companies had already started recognizing that non-smokers had a better life expectancy than smokers so commenced offering premium discounts for life insurance to new applicants who have been non-smokers for at least 12 months before applying for coverage. Today, most life insurance companies offer these discounts. Non-Medical LimitThis is the maximum value of a policy that an insurance company will issue without the applicant taking a medical examination, although medical questions are invariably asked during the application process. When a non-medical issue is made through group insurance, in most cases, medical data is not requested at all. Net Present Value (NPV) MethodA method of ranking investment proposals. NPV is equal to the present value of the future returns, discounted at the marginal cost of capital, minus the present value of the cost of the investment. NSF (non-sufficient funds)This appears on your statement if there are insufficient funds in your account to cover a cheque that you have written or a pre-authorized payment that you have already arranged. You will be charged a service fee for non-sufficient funds. Non-participating PolicyA type of insurance policy or annuity in which the owner does not receive dividends. Related to : financial, finance, business, accounting, payroll, inventory, investment, money, inventory control, stock trading, financial advisor, tax advisor, credit. |