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Placement |
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Definition of PlacementPlacementA bank depositing Eurodollars with (selling Eurodollars to) another bank is often said to be
Related Terms:Debt displacementThe amount of borrowing that leasing displaces. Firms that do a lot of leasing will be Direct placementSelling a new issue not by offering it for sale publicly, but by placing it with one of several Private placementThe sale of a bond or other security directly to a limited number of investors. Replacement costCost to replace a firm's assets. Replacement cycleThe frequency with which an asset is replaced by an equivalent asset. Replacement valueCurrent cost of replacing the firm's assets. Replacement-chain problemIdea that future replacement decisions must be taken into account in selecting ![]() Stock replacement strategyA strategy for enhancing a portfolio's return, employed when the futures Replacement ValueThe amount necessary to duplicate a company's assets at current replacement costan amount that a firm would pay to replace an asset or buy a new one that performs the same functions as an asset currently held Replacement costThe cost that would be incurred to replace an existing asset with one having the same utility. private placementSale of securities to a limited number of investors without a public offering. Replacement Capital ExpendituresCapital expenditures required to replace productive Replacement partsParts requiring some modification before being substituted ReplacementThis subject of replacement of existing policies is covered because sometimes existing life insurance policies are unnecessarily replaced with new coverage resulting in a loss of valuable benefits. If someone suggests replacing your existing coverage, insist on having a comparison disclosure statement completed. Private PlacementSale of stocks, bonds or other investments directly to an institutional investor or individuals. Prior registration with the regulatory authorities is not required if the securities are purchased for investment as opposed to resale. ![]() Replacement ValueCost of acquiring a new asset to replace an existing asset with the same functional utility. Dual syndicate equity offeringAn international equity placement where the offering is split into two Exempt securitiesInstruments exempt from the registration requirements of the Securities Act of 1933 or the Offering memorandumA document that outlines the terms of securities to be offered in a private placement. Q ratio or Tobin's Q ratioMarket value of a firm's assets divided by replacement value of the firm's assets. SecuritizationThe process of creating a passthrough, such as the mortgage pass-through security, by which Tobin's QMarket value of assets divided by replacement value of assets. A Tobin's Q ratio greater than 1 mark to marketRefers to the accounting method that records increases cycle timethe time between the placement of an order to order pointthe level of inventory that triggers the placement Offering MemorandumA "prosperous-like" document providing detailed descriptions of a company's past, present, and prospective business operations. It is normally prepared for the use of potential purchasers of securities offered under the seed capital or private placement prospectus exemptions. ![]() Salvage ValueThe value of a capital asset at end of a specified period. It is the current market price of an asset being considered for replacement in capital budgeting.
Related to : financial, finance, business, accounting, payroll, inventory, investment, money, inventory control, stock trading, financial advisor, tax advisor, credit. |