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Single-payment bond |
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Definition of Single-payment bondSingle-payment bondA bond that will make only one payment of principal and interest.
Related Terms:Accrual bondA bond on which interest accrues, but is not paid to the investor during the time of accrual. Balance of paymentsA statistical compilation formulated by a sovereign nation of all economic transactions Bearer bondbonds that are not registered on the books of the issuer. Such bonds are held in physical form by Bondbonds are debt and are issued for a period of more than one year. The U.S. government, local Bond agreementA contract for privately placed debt. Bond covenantA contractual provision in a bond indenture. A positive covenant requires certain actions, and Bond equivalent yieldbond yield calculated on an annual percentage rate method. Differs from annual ![]() Bond indentureThe contract that sets forth the promises of a corporate bond issuer and the rights of Bond indexingDesigning a portfolio so that its performance will match the performance of some bond index. Bond pointsA conventional unit of measure for bond prices set at $10 and equivalent to 1% of the $100 face Bond valueWith respect to convertible bonds, the value the security would have if it were not convertible Bond-equivalent basisThe method used for computing the bond-equivalent yield. Bond-equivalent yieldThe annualized yield to maturity computed by doubling the semiannual yield. BONDPARA system that monitors and evaluates the performance of a fixed-income portfolio , as well as the Brady bondsbonds issued by emerging countries under a debt reduction plan. Break-even lease paymentThe lease payment at which a party to a prospective lease is indifferent between ![]() Break-even payment rateThe prepayment rate of a MBS coupon that will produce the same CFY as that of Bull-bear bondbond whose principal repayment is linked to the price of another security. The bonds are Bulldog bondForeign bond issue made in London. Clearing House Automated Payments System (CHAPS)A computerized clearing system for sterling funds Clearing House Interbank Payments System (CHIPS)An international wire transfer system for high-value Collateral trust bondsA bond in which the issuer (often a holding company) grants investors a lien on Completion bondingInsurance that a construction contract will be successfully completed. Conflict between bondholders and stockholdersThese two groups may have interests in a corporation that Convertible bondsbonds that can be converted into common stock at the option of the holder. Convertible eurobondA eurobond that can be converted into another asset, often through exercise of Corporate bondsDebt obligations issued by corporations. ![]() Coupon paymentsA bond's interest payments. Cushion bondsHigh-coupon bonds that sell at only at a moderate premium because they are callable at a Date of paymentDate dividend checks are mailed. Debenture bondAn unsecured bond whose holder has the claim of a general creditor on all assets of the Deep-discount bondA bond issued with a very low coupon or no coupon and selling at a price far below par Delivery versus paymentA transaction in which the buyer's payment for securities is due at the time of Discount bondDebt sold for less than its principal value. If a discount bond pays no interest, it is called a Dollar bondsMunicipal revenue bonds for which quotes are given in dollar prices. Not to be confused with Dollar price of a bondPercentage of face value at which a bond is quoted. Equivalent bond yieldAnnual yield on a short-term, non-interest bearing security calculated so as to be EurobondA bond that is (1) underwritten by an international syndicate, (2) offered at issuance Eurodollar bondsEurobonds denominated in U.S.dollars. Euroyen bondsEurobonds denominated in Japanese yen. Extendable bondbond whose maturity can be extended at the option of the lender or issuer. FHA prepayment experienceThe percentage of loans in a pool of mortgages outstanding at the origination Flower bondGovernment bonds that are acceptable at par in payment of federal estate taxes when owned by Foreign bondA bond issued on the domestic capital market of anther company. Foreign bond marketThat portion of the domestic bond market that represents issues floated by foreign Full coupon bondA bond with a coupon equal to the going market rate, thereby, the bond is selling at par. General obligation bondsMunicipal securities secured by the issuer's pledge of its full faith, credit, and Global bondsbonds that are designed so as to qualify for immediate trading in any domestic capital market Government bondSee: Government securities. Graduated-payment mortgages (GPMs)A type of stepped-payment loan in which the borrower's payments High-coupon bond refundingRefunding of a high-coupon bond with a new, lower coupon bond. High-yield bondSee:junk bond. Income bondA bond on which the payment of interest is contingent on sufficient earnings. These bonds are Indexed bondbond whose payments are linked to an index, e.g. the consumer price index. Industrial revenue bond (IRB)bond issued by local government agencies on behalf of corporations. Insured bondA municipal bond backed both by the credit of the municipal issuer and by commercial Interest paymentsContractual debt payments based on the coupon rate of interest and the principal amount. International bondsA collective term that refers to global bonds, Eurobonds, and foreign bonds. Investment grade bondsA bond that is assigned a rating in the top four categories by commercial credit Junk bondA bond with a speculative credit rating of BB (S&P) or Ba (Moody's) or lower is a junk or high Lag response of prepaymentsThere is typically a lag of about three months between the time the weighted Level-coupon bondbond with a stream of coupon payments that are the same throughout the life of the bond. Limited-tax general obligation bondA general obligation bond that is limited as to revenue sources. Long bondsbonds with a long current maturity. The "long bond" is the 30-year U.S. government bond. Low-coupon bond refundingRefunding of a low coupon bond with a new, higher coupon bond. Long bondsbonds with a long current maturity. The "long bond" is the 30-year U.S. government bond. Mismatch bondFloating rate note whose interest rate is reset at more frequent intervals than the rollover Mortgage bondA bond in which the issuer has granted the bondholders a lien against the pledged assets. Municipal bondState or local governments offer muni bonds or municipals, as they are called, to pay for Payment dateThe date on which each shareholder of record will be sent a check for the declared dividend. Payment floatCompany-written checks that have not yet cleared. Payments nettingReducing fund transfers between affiliates to only a netted amount. Netting can be done on Payments patternescribes the lagged collection pattern of receivables, for instance the probability that a Payment-In-Kind (PIK)bond A bond that gives the issuer an option (during an initial period) either to make Positive covenant (of a bond)A bond covenant that specifies certain actions the firm must take. Also called Premium bondA bond that is selling for more than its par value. Prepayment speedAlso called speed, the estimated rate at which mortgagors pay off their loans ahead of Prepaymentspayments made in excess of scheduled mortgage principal repayments. Prerefunded bondRefunded bond. Production payment financingA method of nonrecourse asset-based financing in which a specified Pure-discount bondA bond that will make only one payment of principal and interest. Also called a zerocoupon Put bondA bond that the holder may choose either to exchange for par value at some date or to extend for a Refunded bondAlso called a prerefunded bond, one that originally may have been issued as a general Registered bondA bond whose issuer records ownership and interest payments. Differs from a bearer bond Revenue bondA bond issued by a municipality to finance either a project or an enterprise where the issuer Samurai bondA yen-denominated bond issued in Tokyo by a non-Japanese borrower. Related: bulldog Serial bondsCorporate bonds arranged so that specified principal amounts become due on specified dates. Series bondbond that may be issued in several series under the same indenture. Shogun bondDollar bond issued in Japan by a nonresident. Short bondsbonds with short current maturities. Single country fundA mutual fund that invests in individual countries outside the United States. Single factor modelA model of security returns that acknowledges only one common factor. Single index modelA model of stock returns that decomposes influences on returns into a systematic factor, Single-index modelRelated: market model Single-premium deferred annuityAn insurance policy bought by the sponsor of a pension plan for a single Speculative grade bondbond rated Ba or lower by Moody's, or BB or lower by S&P, or an unrated bond. Step-up bondA bond that pays a lower coupon rate for an initial period which then increases to a higher Stratified sampling bond indexingA method of bond indexing that divides the index into cells, each cell Subordinated debenture bondAn unsecured bond that ranks after secured debt, after debenture bonds, and
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