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Sinking fund requirement |
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Definition of Sinking fund requirementSinking fund requirementA condition included in some corporate bond indentures that requires the issuer to
Related Terms:Planned amortization class CMO1) One class of CMO that carries the most stable cash flows and the Annual fund operating expensesFor investment companies, the management fee and "other expenses," Assets requirementsA common element of a financial plan that describes projected capital spending and the Balanced fundAn investment company that invests in stocks and bonds. The same as a balanced mutual fund. Balanced mutual fundThis is a fund that buys common stock, preferred stock and bonds. The same as a Beta (Mutual Funds)The measure of a fund's or stocks risk in relation to the market. A beta of 0.7 means Beta equation (Mutual Funds)The beta of a fund is determined as follows: ![]() Closed-end fundAn investment company that sells shares like any other corporation and usually does not Cost of fundsInterest rate associated with borrowing money. Dividend yield (Funds)Indicated yield represents return on a share of a mutual fund held over the past 12 Employee stock fundA firm-sponsored program that enables employees to purchase shares of the firm's Endowment fundsInvestment funds established for the support of institutions such as colleges, private Federal fundsNon-interest bearing deposits held in reserve for depository institutions at their district Federal Federal funds marketThe market where banks can borrow or lend reserves, allowing banks temporarily Federal funds rateThis is the interest rate that banks with excess reserves at a Federal Reserve district bank Forward Fed fundsFed funds traded for future delivery. Fund familySet of funds with different investment objectives offered by one management company. In many Fundamental analysisSecurity analysis that seeks to detect misvalued securities by an analysis of the firm's Fundamental betaThe product of a statistical model to predict the fundamental risk of a security using not Fundamental descriptorsIn the model for calculating fundamental beta, ratios in risk indexes other than Funded debtDebt maturing after more than one year. Funding ratioThe ratio of a pension plan's assets to its liabilities. Funding riskRelated: interest rate risk Funds From Operations (FFO)Used by real estate and other investment trusts to define the cash flow from Global fundA mutual fund that can invest anywhere in the world, including the U.S. Hedge fundA fund that may employ a variety of techniques to enhance returns, such as both buying and High-coupon bond refundingRefunding of a high-coupon bond with a new, lower coupon bond. Income fundA mutual fund providing for liberal current income from investments. Index fundInvestment fund designed to match the returns on a stockmarket index. Initial margin requirementWhen buying securities on margin, the proportion of the total market value of International fundA mutual fund that can invest only outside the United States. International Monetary FundAn organization founded in 1944 to oversee exchange arrangements of Liability funding strategiesInvestment strategies that select assets so that cash flows will equal or exceed Load fundA mutual fund with shares sold at a price including a large sales charge -- typically 4% to 8% of Low-coupon bond refundingRefunding of a low coupon bond with a new, higher coupon bond. Maintenance margin requirementA sum, usually smaller than -but part of the original margin, which must Margin requirement (Options)The amount of cash an uncovered (naked) option writer is required to Match fundA bank is said to match fund a loan or other asset when it does so by buying (taking) a deposit of Materials requirement planningComputer-based systems that plan backward from the production schedule Money market fundA mutual fund that invests only in short term securities, such as bankers' acceptances, Mutual fundMutual funds are pools of money that are managed by an investment company. They offer Mutual fund theoremA result associated with the CAPM, asserting that investors will choose to invest their Net advantage of refundingThe net present value of the savings from a refunding. No load mutual fundAn open-end investment company, shares of which are sold without a sales charge. No-load fundA mutual fund that does not impose a sales commission. Related: load fund NonrefundableNot permitted, under the terms of indenture, to be refundable. Objective (mutual fund)The fund's investment strategy category as stated in the prospectus. There are Open-end fundAlso called a mutual fund, an investment company that stands ready to sell new shares to the Overfunded pension planA pension plan that has a positive surplus (i.e., assets exceed liabilities). Prerefunded bondRefunded bond. Private Export Funding Corporation (PEFCO)Company that mobilizes private capital for financing the Purchase fundResembles a sinking fund except that money is used only to purchase bonds if they are selling Pure index fundA portfolio that is managed so as to perfectly replicate the performance of the market portfolio. RefundableEligible for refunding under the terms of indenture. Refunded bondAlso called a prerefunded bond, one that originally may have been issued as a general RefundingThe redemption of a bond with proceeds received from issuing lower-cost debt obligations Regional fundA mutual fund that invests in a specific geographical area overseas, such as Asia or Europe. Reserve requirementsThe percentage of different types of deposits that member banks are required to hold Revenue fundA fund accounting for all revenues from an enterprise financed by a municipal revenue bond. Single country fundA mutual fund that invests in individual countries outside the United States. Stopping curve refunding rateA refunding rate that falls on the stopping curve. Surplus fundsCash flow available after payment of taxes in the project. Term Fed FundsFed funds sold for a period of time longer than overnight. 12b-1 fundsMutual funds that do not charge an upfront or back-end commission, but instead take out up to Two-fund separation theoremThe theoretical result that all investors will hold a combination of the riskfree Underfunded pension planA pension plan that has a negative surplus (i.e., liabilities exceed assets). Unfunded debtDebt maturing within one year (short-term debt). See: funded debt. Shareholders’ fundsThe capital invested in a business by the shareholders, including retained profits. materials requirements planning (MRP)a computerbased information system that simulates the ordering and Material requirements planning (MRP)A computer-driven production methodology fundamental analystsAnalysts who attempt to find under- or overvalued securities by analyzing fundamental information, such as earnings, asset values, and business prospects. funded debtDebt with more than 1 year remaining to maturity. internally generated fundsCash reinvested in the firm; depreciation plus earnings not paid out as dividends. sinking fundfund established to retire debt before maturity. Federal Funds RateThe interest rate at which banks lend deposits at the Federal Reserve to one another overnight. International Monetary Fund (IMF)Organization originally established to manage the postwar fixed exchange rate system. Legal Reserve RequirementSee reserve requirement. Reserve RequirementFraction of total deposits that a commercial bank is required by the central bank to hold in the form of reserves. Material requirements planningA computerized system used to calculate material Requirements explosionThe component-level requirements for a production run, Life Income FundCommonly known as a LIF, this is one of the options available to locked in Registered Pension Plan (RPP) holders for income payout as opposed to Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) holders choice of payout through Registered Retirement Income funds (RRIF). A LIF must be converted to a unisex annuity by the time the holder reaches age 80. Registered Retirement Income Fund (Canada)Commonly referred to as a RRIF, this is one of the options available to RRSP holders to convert their tax sheltered savings into taxable income. Segregated FundSometimes called seg funds, segregated funds are the life insurance industry equivalent to a mutual fund with some differences.The term "Mutual fund" is often used generically, to cover a wide variety of funds where the investment capital from a large number of investors is "pooled" together and invested into specific stocks, bonds, mortgages, etc. Funding CostsThe price of obtaining capital, either borrowed or equity, with intent to carry on business operations. Labour-Sponsored Venture FundsVenture capital corporations established by labour unions. They function as other venture capital corporations but are subject to government regulation. EFT (electronic funds transfer)funds which are electronically credited to your account (e.g. direct deposit), or electronically debited from your account on an ongoing basis (e.g. a pre-authorized monthly bill payment, or a monthly loan or mortgage payment). A wire transfer is a form of EFT. growth fundsMutual funds that seek long-term capital growth. This type of fund invests primarily in equity securities. income fundsMutual funds that seek regular income. This type of fund invests primarily in government, corporate and other types of bonds, debt securities, and other income producing securities and in certain circumstances can also hold common and preferred shares. index fundsMutual funds that aim to track the performance of a specific stock or bond index. This process is also referred to as indexing and passive management. international fundA mutual fund that can invest in securities issued anywhere outside of Canada. money market fundA type of mutual fund that invests primarily in short-term debt securities maturing in one year or less. These include treasury bills, bankers’ acceptances, commercial paper, discount notes and guaranteed investment certficates. mutual fundWhen you buy a mutual fund, you are pooling your money with that of other investors. An investment professional called a portfolio advisor takes that money and invests it for all the investors in a variety of different securities as determined by the investment objectives of the mutual fund. This gives you the benefit of diversification that is, being invested in many different investments at once. NSF (non-sufficient funds)This appears on your statement if there are insufficient funds in your account to cover a cheque that you have written or a pre-authorized payment that you have already arranged. You will be charged a service fee for non-sufficient funds. savings fundsMutual funds that seek to preserve capital. This type of fund invests primarily in short-term securities with an average term to maturity of one year or less, or in the case of money market funds, 90 days or less. Pension FundAssets used to pay the pensions of retirees. An investment institution established to manage the assets used to pay the pensions of retirees. Segregated FundA pool of assets held by the insurer, to back a specific liability to a policyholder. Segregated funds flucuate in value depending on the market value of a specific group of assets the company must maintain separately. Balloon maturityAny large principal payment due at maturity for a bond or loan with or without a a sinking Related to : financial, finance, business, accounting, payroll, inventory, investment, money, inventory control, stock trading, financial advisor, tax advisor, credit. |