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Trade house |
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Definition of Trade houseTrade houseA firm which deals in actual commodities.
Related Terms:Automated Clearing House (ACH)A collection of 32 regional electronic interbank networks used to Balance of tradeNet flow of goods (exports minus imports) between countries. Basket tradesRelated: Program trades. Block houseBrokerage firms that help to find potential buyers or sellers of large block trades. Block tradeA large trading order, defined on the New York Stock Exchange as an order that consists of Clearing House Automated Payments System (CHAPS)A computerized clearing system for sterling funds Clearing House Interbank Payments System (CHIPS)An international wire transfer system for high-value ![]() Clearing house / ClearinghouseAn adjunct to a futures exchange through which transactions executed its floor are settled by a Commission houseA firm which buys and sells future contracts for customer accounts. Related: futures Counter tradeThe exchange of goods for other goods rather than for cash; barter. Field warehouseWarehouse rented by a warehouse company on another firm's premises. Flat trades1) A bond in default trades flat; that is, the price quoted covers both principal and unpaid, Floor traderA member who generally trades only for his own account, for an account controlled by him or Forward tradeA transaction in which the settlement will occur on a specified date in the future at a price Informationless tradestrades that are the result of either a reallocation of wealth or an implementation of an Information-motivated tradestrades in which an investor believes he or she possesses pertinent In-house processing floatRefers to the time it takes the receiver of a check to process the payment and Posttrade benchmarksPrices after the decision to trade. Pre-trade benchmarksPrices occurring before or at the decision to trade. Program tradesAlso called basket trades, orders requiring the execution of trades in a large number of Public warehouseWarehouse operated by an independent warehouse company on its own premises. Publicly traded assetsAssets that can be traded in a public market, such as the stock market. Registered traderA member of the exchange who executes frequent trades for his or her own account. Reversing tradeEntering the opposite side of a currently held futures position to close out the position. Spot tradeThe purchase and sale of a foreign currency, commodity, or other item for immediate delivery. Terms of tradeThe weighted average of a nation's export prices relative to its import prices. Thinly tradedInfrequently traded. TradeA verbal (or electronic) transaction involving one party buying a security from another party. Once a Trade acceptanceWritten demand that has been accepted by an industrial company to pay a given sum at a future date. Trade creditCredit granted by a firm to another firm for the purchase of goods or services. Trade dateIn an interest rate swap, the date that the counterparties commit to the swap. Also, the date on Trade debtAccounts payable. Trade draftA draft addressed to a commercial enterprise. See:draft. Trade on top oftrade at a narrow or no spread in basis points relative to some other bond yield, usually TradersPersons who take positions in securities and their derivatives with the objective of making profits. Uptick tradeRelated:Tick-test rules Warehouse receiptEvidence that a firm owns goods stored in a warehouse. Wire houseA firm operating a private wire to its own branch offices or to other firms, commission houses or North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)an agreement among Canada, Mexico, and the United States establishing the North American Free trade Zone, with a resulting reduction in trade barriers World Trade Organization (WTO)the arbiter of global trade that was created in 1995 under the General Agreement on Tariffs and trade; each signatory country has one trade-off theoryDebt levels are chosen to balance interest tax shields against the costs of financial distress. Balance of Merchandise TradeThe difference between exports and imports of goods. Balance of TradeSee balance of merchandise trade. Free TradeThe absence of any government restrictions, such as tariffs or quotas, on imports or exports. Terms of TradeThe quantity of imports that can be obtained for a unit of exports, measured by the ratio of an export price index to an import price index. Trade DeficitDeficit on the balance of merchandise trade. Automated Clearing House (ACH)A banking clearinghouse that processes direct Trade LoadingA term used for channel stuffing in the domestic tobacco industry. Field warehouseA warehouse into which service parts and finished goods are Warehouse demandThe demand for a part by an outlying warehouse. Back officeBrokerage house clerical operations that support, but do not include, the trading of stocks and Clearing memberA member firm of a clearing house. Each clearing member must also be a member of the Futures commission merchantA firm or person engaged in soliciting or accepting and handling orders for Related to : financial, finance, business, accounting, payroll, inventory, investment, money, inventory control, stock trading, financial advisor, tax advisor, credit. |