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Underwriter |
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Definition of UnderwriterUnderwriterA party that guarantees the proceeds to the firm from a security sale, thereby in effect taking underwriterFirm that buys an issue of securities from a company and resells it to the public. UnderwriterSee investment banker. UnderwriterThis could be the person (broker or agent) who helps you choose the proper type of life insurance or disability insurance and the insurance company for your particular needs. This could also be the person at the insurance company's head office who reviews your application for coverage to determine whether or not the insurance company will issue a policy to you. UnderwriterPerson that uses various types of evidence to evaluate the insurability of a client.
Related Terms:Life UnderwriterInsurance Agent. All-or-none underwritingAn arrangement whereby a security issue is canceled if the underwriter is unable Best-efforts saleA method of securities distribution/ underwriting in which the securities firm agrees to sell ![]() Book runnerThe managing underwriter for a new issue. The book runner maintains the book of securities sold. Bought dealSecurity issue where one or two underwriters buy the entire issue. BracketA term signifying the extent an underwriter's commitment in a new issue, e.g., major bracket or Circleunderwriters, actual or potential, often seek out and "circle" investor interest in a new issue before Greenshoe optionOption that allows the underwriter for a new issue to buy and resell additional shares. Gross spreadThe fraction of the gross proceeds of an underwritten securities offering that is paid as Investment bankFinancial intermediaries who perform a variety of services, including aiding in the sale of Negotiated offeringAn offering of securities for which the terms, including underwriters' compensation, Negotiated saleSituation in which the terms of an offering are determined by negotiation between the issuer ![]() Oversubscribed issueInvestors are not able to buy all of the shares or bonds they want, so underwriters must Public offeringThe sale of registered securities by the issuer (or the underwriters acting in the interests of the Reoffering yieldIn a purchase and sale, the yield to maturity at which the underwriter offers to sell the bonds Spread1) The gap between bid and ask prices of a stock or other security. Standby agreementIn a rights issue, agreement that the underwriter will purchase any stock not purchased by investors. Standby feeAmount paid to an underwriter who agrees to purchase any stock that is not subscribed to the StreetBrokers, dealers, underwriters, and other knowledgeable members of the financial community; from Take-up feeA fee paid to an underwriter in connection with an underwritten rights offering or an TombstoneAdvertisement listing the underwriters to a security issue. UnderwritingActing as the underwriter in a purchase and sale. Underwriting syndicateA group of investment banks that work together to sell new security offerings to spreadDifference between public offer price and price paid by underwriter. Investment BankerMiddleman between a corporation issuing new securities and the public. The middleman buys the securities issue outright and then resells it to customers. Also called an underwriter. Inspection ReportThis is a telephone interview of the person applying for life insurance conducted by someone from the underwriting department of the insurance company. Some insurance companies only sporadically contact applicants and some contact every applicant. On average the interview lasts between 15 to 30 minutes. The questions asked relate to personal habits (like smoking and alcohol consumption) and finances, including income and net worth, confirmation of employment, duties and the nature of the applicant's business. In addition, there are questions about driving, sports, aviation and currently held insurance. All information obtained is strictly confidential and is submitted solely to the underwriter for review. Related to : financial, finance, business, accounting, payroll, inventory, investment, money, inventory control, stock trading, financial advisor, tax advisor, credit. |