Select financial term to see its definition:ideal capacity ideal standard Idiosyncratic Risk idle time Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA) Illustration IMF Immediate settlement Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 Immunization Immunization strategy Impairment Loss Implicit Contract Implied call Implied repo rate Implied volatility Import Import Quota Import-substitution development strategy imposed budget Imputation tax system Impute Imputed Rent In-house processing float In-substance defeasance in the black In the box In-the-money in the red In-transit inventory Inactive inventory Incentive Stock Option Income Income beneficiary Income bond Income from Continuing Operations Income fund income funds Income Smoothing Income Splitting INCOME STATEMENT Income statement (statement of operations) Income Statements Income stock INCOME TAX Income Tax Expense
Income Tax Provision Incomes Policy Incontestable Clause Incorporation incremental analysis Incremental budget Incremental cash flows incremental cost Incremental costs and benefits Incremental internal rate of return incremental revenue incremental separate cost Indemnity Indented bill of material Indenture Independent Broker Independent project Independent Projects independent variable Index Index and Option Market (IOM) Index arbitrage Index fund index funds Index model Index option Index Portfolio Rebalancing Service (IPRS) Index warrant Indexation Indexed bond Indexing Indicated dividend Indicated yield Indifference curve indirect cost Indirect costs Indirect labor Indirect method Indirect-Method Format Indirect quote Indirect Taxes Individual Insurance Individual Retirement Account Individual Retirement Annuity Inductive reasoning Industrial revenue bond (IRB) Industry Inflation Inflation-escalator clause Inflation risk Inflation Tax Inflation uncertainty information Information asymmetry Information Coefficient (IC) Information-content effect information content of dividends Information costs Information-motivated trades Information services Informational efficiency Informationless trades Infrastructure Initial margin requirement Initial Public Offering Initial public offering (IPO) input-output coefficient Input-output tables Insider information Insider trading Insiders Insolvency risk Insolvent Inspection Report inspection time Installment sale Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) Institutional investors Institutionalization Institutionally Induced Unemployment Instrument Instruments Insurable Interest Insurance Act Insurance Company Insurance Policy (Credit Insurance) Insurance principle Insured Insured bond Insured Mortgage Insured plans Insured Retirement Plan Insurer Intangible asset Intangible assets Intangible fixed assets Integer programming intellectual capital Interac® Direct Payment Interac system Intercompany loan Intercompany transaction Interest Interest coverage ratio Interest coverage test Interest equalization tax Interest Factor Interest income Interest on interest Interest-only strip (IO) Interest Option Interest payable Interest payments Interest Rate Interest rate agreement Interest rate cap Interest rate ceiling Interest Rate Differential Interest rate floor Interest Rate, Nominal Interest rate on debt interest rate parity Interest rate parity theorem Interest Rate, Real Interest rate risk Interest rate swap Interest subsidy Interest tax shield Intermarket sector Intermarket spread swaps Intermediary Intermediate Good Intermediate-term Intermediation internal accounting controls internal control Internal finance Internal growth rate Internal market Internal measure Internal rate of return Internal rate of return (IRR) Internal Revenue Code Internal Revenue Service Internally efficient market internally generated funds International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - IBRD or World Bank International Banking Facility (IBF) International bonds International Depository Receipt (IDR) International diversification International finance subsidiary International Fisher effect International fund International market International Monetary Fund International Monetary Fund (IMF) International Monetary Market (IMM) International Reserves Internet business model Interplant transfer interpolation Intestate Intramarket sector spread intranet Intrinsic value of a firm Intrinsic value of an option inventoriable cost Inventory Inventory adjustment Inventory Days Inventory diversion Inventory issue Inventory loan Inventory receipt Inventory returns inventory shrinkage Inventory turnover inventory turnover ratio inventory write-down Inverse floating rate note Inverted market investing activities Investment Investment analysts Investment bank Investment Banker investment center Investment centre investment decision Investment decisions investment grade Investment grade bonds Investment income Investment manager Investment product line (IPML) Investment Spending Investment tax credit Investment trust Investment value Investments Investor Investor fallout Investor relations Investor's equity Invoice Invoice billing Invoice date Invoice price Involuntary liquidation preference IPO IRA/Keogh accounts IRR Irrational call option Irrelevance result Irrevocable Beneficiary ISDA ISMA ISO 14000 ISO 9000 Issue Issue Age Issue date Issued share capital Issued shares Issuer Item master file Item number Ito process
Related to : financial, finance, business, accounting, payroll, inventory, investment, money, inventory control, stock trading, financial advisor, tax advisor, credit.
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