Select financial term to see its definition:T account T-bill T-period holding-period return Tactical Asset Allocation (TAA) tactical planning Tail Take Take a position Take-or-pay contract Take-out Take-up fee Takeover Taking a view Taking delivery Tandem programs Tangible asset Tangible fixed assets TANs (tax anticipation notes) Target Target Benefit Plan Target cash balance Target costing Target firm Target payout ratio Target rate of return pricing Target zone arrangement Targeted repurchase Tariff Tax anticipation bills (TABs) tax benefit (of depreciation) Tax books Tax clawback agreement tax deferral Tax deferral option tax-deferred income Tax-deferred retirement plans Tax differential view ( of dividend policy) tax-exempt income Tax-exempt sector tax exemption Tax free acquisition Tax haven Tax Reform Act of 1986 Tax-Related Incomes Policy (TIP) Tax shield tax shield (of depreciation)
Tax swap Tax-timing option Taxable acquisition Taxable income Taxable transaction TBA (to be announced) Technical analysis Technical analysts Technical condition of a market Technical descriptors Technical insolvency Technician Technological Feasibility TED spread Temporal method Temporary accounts Temporary Difference Temporary Life Insurance Tender Tender offer Tender offer premium Tenor Term Term bonds Term Deposit Term Fed Funds Term insurance Term Life Term life insurance Term loan Term premiums Term repo Term Sheet Term structure Term Structure of Interest Rates Term to maturity Term trust Terminal Illness Insurance (Credit Insurance) Terminal value Terminate Termination Pay Terms of sale Terms of trade The Exchange theoretical capacity Theoretical futures price Theoretical spot rate curve theory of constraints (TOC) Theta Thin market Thinly traded Third market third-party logistics Three-phase DDM Threshold for refinancing throughput Throughput agreement Throughput contribution Tick Tick indicator Tick-test rules tiered interest rate Tight market Tilted portfolio Time Clock Time decay Time deposit Time draft Time premium Time to maturity Time until expiration Time value of an option Time value of money Time-weighted rate of return Timecard timeline times interest earned Times Interest Earned Ratio Times-interest-earned ratio Timing option Title Tobin's Q Tolling agreement Tom next Tombstone Tontine Top-down equity management style Total asset turnover Total Asset Turnover Ratio total contribution margin total cost to account for Total debt to equity ratio Total Debt to Total Assets Ratio Total dollar return total expected value (for a project) total overhead variance total quality management (TQM) Total return Total revenue total units to account for total variance Totalization Agreement Traceability Tracking error Tradable Trade Trade acceptance Trade credit Trade date Trade debt Trade Deficit Trade draft Trade house Trade Loading trade-off theory Trade on top of Traders Trading Trading costs Trading halt Trading paper Trading posts Trading range Trading Security Traditional view (of dividend policy) Tranche Transaction Transaction demand (for money) Transaction exposure Transaction loan Transactions costs Transactions motive Transfer agent Transfer Payment Transfer price transfer time Transferable put right Transferred-in cost Transition phase Translation exposure Transmission Mechanism Transparency Treadway Commission Treasurer Treasurer's check Treasuries Treasury bill Treasury bills Treasury bond Treasury bonds Treasury notes Treasury securities Treasury stock Trend Treynor Index Trial balance Triangular arbitrage Triple witching hour Trough True interest cost True lease Trust Company Trust deed Trust receipt TT&L account Turnaround Turnaround time Turning Point Turnkey construction contract Turnover Twin Deficits two-bin system Two-factor model Two-fund separation theorem Two-sided market Two-state option pricing model Two-tier tax system Type
Related to : financial, finance, business, accounting, payroll, inventory, investment, money, inventory control, stock trading, financial advisor, tax advisor, credit.
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