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Buy/Sell Agreement |
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Definition of Buy/Sell AgreementBuy/Sell AgreementThis is an agreement entered into by the owners of a business to define the conditions under which the interests of each shareholder will be bought and sold. The agreement sets the value of each shareholders interest and stipulates what happens when one of the owners wishes to dispose of his/her interest during his/her lifetime as well as disposal of interest upon death or disability. Life insurance, critical illness coverage and disability insurance are major considerations to help fund this type of agreement.
Related Terms:Bond agreementA contract for privately placed debt. Bretton Woods AgreementAn agreement signed by the original United Nations members in 1944 that Builder buydown loanA mortgage loan on newly developed property that the builder subsidizes during the BuyTo purchase an asset; taking a long position. Buy inTo cover, offset or close out a short position. Related: evening up, liquidation. Buy limit orderA conditional trading order that indicates a security may be purchased only at the designated Buy on closeTo buy at the end of the trading session at a price within the closing range. ![]() Buy on marginA transaction in which an investor borrows to buy additional shares, using the shares Buy on openingTo buy at the beginning of a trading session at a price within the opening range. Buy-and-hold strategyA passive investment strategy with no active buying and selling of stocks from the BuydownsMortgages in which monthly payments consist of principal and interest, with portions of these Buying the indexPurchasing the stocks in the S&P 500 in the same proportion as the index to achieve the BuyoutPurchase of a controlling interest (or percent of shares) of a company's stock. A leveraged buy-out is Buy-backAnother term for a repo. Buy-side analystA financial analyst employed by a non-brokerage firm, typically one of the larger money Cash deficiency agreementAn agreement to invest cash in a project to the extent required to cover any cash Concession agreementAn understanding between a company and the host government that specifies the Double-tax agreementagreement between two countries that taxes paid abroad can be offset against Equity contribution agreementAn agreement to contribute equity to a project under certain specified Fiscal agency agreementAn alternative to a bond trust deed. Unlike the trustee, the fiscal agent acts as an Forward rate agreement (FRA)agreement to borrow or lend at a specified future date at an interest rate Interest rate agreementAn agreement whereby one party, for an upfront premium, agrees to compensate the Leveraged buyout (LBO)A transaction used for taking a public corporation private financed through the use Management buyout (MBO)Leveraged buyout whereby the acquiring group is led by the firm's management. Note agreementA contract for privately placed debt. Option sellerAlso called the option writer , the party who grants a right to trade a security at a given price in Preferred stock agreementA contract for preferred stock. Protective put buying strategyA strategy that involves buying a put option on the underlying security that is Purchase agreementAs used in connection with project financing, an agreement to purchase a specific Raw material supply agreementAs used in connection with project financing, an agreement to furnish a Repurchase agreementAn agreement with a commitment by the seller (dealer) to buy a security back from Revolving credit agreementA legal commitment wherein a bank promises to lend a customer up to a Sell hedgeRelated: short hedge. Sell limit orderConditional trading order that indicates that a, security may be sold at the designated price or Selling groupAll banks involved in selling or marketing a new issue of stock or bonds Selling shortIf an investor thinks the price of a stock is going down, the investor could borrow the stock from Sell-side analystAlso called a Wall Street analyst, a financial analyst who works for a brokerage firm and Short sellingEstablishing a market position by selling a security one does not own in anticipation of the price Smithsonian agreementA revision to the Bretton Woods international monetary system which was signed at Standby agreementIn a rights issue, agreement that the underwriter will purchase any stock not purchased by investors. Standstill agreementsContracts where the bidding firm in a takeover attempt agrees to limit its holdings Swap buy-backThe sale of an interest rate swap by one counterparty to the other, effectively ending the swap. Tax clawback agreementAn agreement to contribute as equity to a project the value of all previously Throughput agreementAn agreement to put a specified amount of product per period through a particular Tolling agreementAn agreement to put a specified amount of raw material per period through a particular SELLING EXPENSESWhat was spent to run the sales part of a company, such as sales salaries, travel, meals, and lodging for salespeople, and advertising. Optimum selling priceThe price at which profit is maximized, which takes into account the cost behaviour of fixed and variable costs and the relationship between price and demand for a product/service. General Agreementon Tariffs and Trade (GATT) a treaty make-or-buy decisiona decision that compares the cost of North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)an agreement among Canada, Mexico, and the United States establishing the North American Free Trade Zone, with a resulting reduction in trade barriers Leveraged buyoutThe purchase of one business entity by another, largely using borrowed Selling price varianceThe difference between the actual and budgeted selling price for leveraged buyout (LBO)Acquisition of the firm by a private group using substantial borrowed funds. management buyout (MBO)Acquisition of the firm by its own management in a leveraged buyout. Totalization AgreementAn agreement between countries whereby an employee only has to pay Social Security taxes to the country in which he or she is working Forward buyingThe purchase of items exceeding the quantity levels indicated Conditional BuyerOne of two parties to a conditional sale agreement, the other being the conditional seller. Conditional Sale AgreementAn agreement entered into between a conditional buyer and a conditional seller setting out the terms under which goods change hands. Conditional SellerOne of two parties to a conditional sale agreement, the other being the conditional buyer. Confidentiality AgreementA legal document whereby the one party, usually the prospective investor, pledges to keep strictly confidential, and return on request, any and all information provided by the entrepreneur seeking funding. Equity Buy-BackRefers to the investors percentage ownership of a company that can be re-acquired by the company, usually at a pre-determined amount. Purchase AgreementThis legal document records the final understanding of the parties with respect to the proposed transaction. ContractA term of reference describing a unit of trading for a financial or commodity future. Also, the actual Counterparty riskThe risk that the other party to an agreement will default. In an options contract, the risk Futures contractagreement to buy or sell a set number of shares of a specific stock in a designated future forward contractagreement to buy or sell an asset in the future at an agreed price. Related to : financial, finance, business, accounting, payroll, inventory, investment, money, inventory control, stock trading, financial advisor, tax advisor, credit. |