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Information about financial, finance, business, accounting, payroll, inventory, investment, money, inventory control, stock trading, financial advisor, tax advisor, credit.
Main Page: credit, inventory control, financial advisor, business, investment, tax advisor, accounting, inventory, Also see related: insurance, homes, financing, condo, homebuyer, home buyer, real estate, homebuying, credit, |
Definition of GNMA-IGNMA-IMortgage-backed securities (MBS) on which registered holders receive separate principal and
Related Terms:GNMA-IIMortgage-backed securities (MBS) on which registered holders receive an aggregate principal and GNMA MidgetA gnma pass-through certificate backed by fixed rate mortgages with a 15 year maturity. Modigliani and Miller Proposition IIA proposition by Modigliani and Miller which states that the cost of attribute-based costing (ABC II)an extension of activitybased costing using cost-benefit analysis (based on increased customer utility) to choose the product attribute manufacturing resource planning (MRP II)a fully integrated materials requirement planning system that involves MRP IIsee manufacturing resource planning Manufacturing resource planning (MRP II)An expansion of the material requirements planning concept, with additional computer-based capabilities in the areas of ![]() MM's proposition IIThe required rate of return on equity increases as the firm’s debt-equity ratio increases. Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA)A federal Act shielding employers from liability if they have made economic components modelAbrams’ model for calculating DLOM based on the interaction of discounts from four economic components. discount ratethe rate of return on investment that would be required by a prudent investor to invest in an asset with a specific level risk. Also, a rate of return used to convert a monetary sum, payable or receivable in the future, into present value. fractional interest discountthe combined discounts for lack of control and marketability. g the constant growth rate in cash flows or net income used in the ADF, Gordon model, or present value factor. Accelerated cost recovery system (ACRS)Schedule of depreciation rates allowed for tax purposes. Accelerated depreciationAny depreciation method that produces larger deductions for depreciation in the Accrued interestThe accumulated coupon interest earned but not yet paid to the seller of a bond by the Active portfolio strategyA strategy that uses available information and forecasting techniques to seek a ![]() Adjustable rate preferred stock (ARPS)Publicly traded issues that may be collateralized by mortgages and MBSs. After-tax real rate of returnMoney after-tax rate of return minus the inflation rate. Agency pass-throughsmortgage pass-through securities whose Principal and interest payments are AgentThe decision-maker in a Principal-agent relationship. All equity rateThe discount rate that reflects only the business risks of a project and abstracts from the All or noneRequirement that none of an order be executed unless all of it can be executed at the specified price. All-in costTotal costs, explicit and implicit. All-or-none underwritingAn arrangement whereby a security issue is canceled if the underwriter is unable Alternative mortgage instrumentsVariations of mortgage instruments such as adjustable-rate and variablerate Amortizing interest rate swapSwap in which the Principal or national amount rises (falls) as interest rates Annual percentage rate (APR)The periodic rate times the number of periods in a year. For example, a 5% ![]() Annual percentage yield (APY)The effective, or true, annual rate of return. The APY is the rate actually Arithmetic average (mean) rate of returnArithmetic mean return. Asset allocation decisionThe decision regarding how an institution's funds should be distributed among the Asset-backed securityA security that is collateralized by loans, leases, receivables, or installment contracts At-the-moneyAn option is at-the-money if the strike price of the option is equal to the market price of the Auction rate preferred stock (ARPS)Floating rate preferred stock, the dividend on which is adjusted every Average collection period, or days' receivablesThe ratio of accounts receivables to sales, or the total Average maturityThe average time to maturity of securities held by a mutual fund. Changes in interest rates Average (across-day) measuresAn estimation of price that uses the average or representative price of a Average rate of return (ARR)The ratio of the average cash inflow to the amount invested. Average tax rateTaxes as a fraction of income; total taxes divided by total taxable income. Balance of paymentsA statistical compilation formulated by a sovereign nation of all economic transactions Balloon maturityAny large Principal payment due at maturity for a bond or loan with or without a a sinking Barbell strategyA strategy in which the maturities of the securities included in the portfolio are concentrated Base interest rateRelated: Benchmark interest rate. Basic business strategiesKey strategies a firm intends to pursue in carrying out its business plan. Basis pointIn the bond market, the smallest measure used for quoting yields is a basis point. each percentage Benchmark interest rateAlso called the base interest rate, it is the minimum interest rate investors will Best-interests-of-creditors testThe requirement that a claim holder voting against a plan of reorganization Bond pointsA conventional unit of measure for bond prices set at $10 and equivalent to 1% of the $100 face Book-entry securitiesThe Treasury and federal agencies are moving to a book-entry system in which securities are not represented by engraved pieces of paper but are maintained in computerized records at the Borrower falloutIn the mortgage pipeline, the risk that prospective borrowers of loans committed to be Break-even lease paymentThe lease payment at which a party to a prospective lease is indifferent between Break-even payment rateThe prepayment rate of a MBS coupon that will produce the same CFY as that of Break-even tax rateThe tax rate at which a party to a prospective transaction is indifferent between entering Broker loan rateRelated: Call money rate. Bullet strategyA strategy in which a portfolio is constructed so that the maturities of its securities are highly Buy-and-hold strategyA passive investment strategy with no active buying and selling of stocks from the CallAn option that gives the right to buy the underlying futures contract. Call an optionTo exercise a call option. Call dateA date before maturity, specified at issuance, when the issuer of a bond may retire part of the bond Call money rateAlso called the broker loan rate , the interest rate that banks charge brokers to finance Call optionAn option contract that gives its holder the right (but not the obligation) to purchase a specified Call priceThe price, specified at issuance, at which the issuer of a bond may retire part of the bond at a Call priceThe price for which a bond can be repaid before maturity under a call provision. Call protectionA feature of some callable bonds that establishes an initial period when the bonds may not be Call provisionAn embedded option granting a bond issuer the right to buy back all or part of the issue prior Call riskThe combination of cash flow uncertainty and reinvestment risk introduced by a call provision. Call swaptionA swaption in which the buyer has the right to enter into a swap as a fixed-rate payer. The CallableA financial security such as a bond with a call option attached to it, i.e., the issuer has the right to Capital allocationdecision allocation of invested funds between risk-free assets versus the risky portfolio. Capitalized interestinterest that is not immediately expensed, but rather is considered as an asset and is then Cash flow after interest and taxesNet income plus depreciation. Cash-flow break-even pointThe point below which the firm will need either to obtain additional financing Cash offerA public equity issue that is sold to all interested investors. Certainty equivalentAn amount that would be accepted in lieu of a chance at a possible higher, but Certificate of deposit (CD)Also called a time deposit, this is a certificate issued by a bank or thrift that Chinese wallCommunication barrier between financiers (investment bankers) and traders. This barrier is Clearing House Automated Payments System (CHAPS)A computerized clearing system for sterling funds Clearing House Interbank Payments System (CHIPS)An international wire transfer system for high-value Closed-end mortgagemortgage against which no additional debt may be issued. Coefficient of determinationA measure of the goodness of fit of the relationship between the dependent and Collateralized mortgage obligation (CMO)A security backed by a pool of pass-throughs , structured so that Combination strategyA strategy in which a put and with the same strike price and expiration are either both Common-base-year analysisThe representing of accounting information over Multiple years as percentages Competitive offeringAn offering of securities through competitive bidding. Compound interestinterest paid on previously earned interest as well as on the Principal. Conflict between bondholders and stockholdersThese two groups may have interests in a corporation that ConglomerateA firm engaged in two or more unrelated businesses. Conglomerate mergerA merger involving two or more firms that are in unrelated businesses. Contract monthThe month in which futures contracts may be satisfied by making or accepting a delivery. Conventional mortgageA loan based on the credit of the borrower and on the collateral for the mortgage. Conventional pass-throughsAlso called private-label pass-throughs, any mortgage pass-through security not Corporate acquisitionThe acquisition of one firm by anther firm. Corporate bondsDebt obligations issued by corporations. Corporate charterA legal document creating a corporation. Corporate financeone of the three areas of the discipline of finance. It deals with the operation of the firm Corporate financial managementThe application of financial Principals within a corporation to create and Corporate financial planningFinancial planning conducted by a firm that encompasses preparation of both Corporate processing floatThe time that elapses between receipt of payment from a customer and the Corporate tax viewThe argument that double (corporate and individual) taxation of equity returns makes Corporate taxable equivalentrate of return required on a par bond to produce the same after-tax yield to Coupon paymentsA bond's interest payments. Coupon rateIn bonds, notes or other fixed income securities, the stated percentage rate of interest, usually Covered callA short call option position in which the writer owns the number of shares of the underlying Covered call writing strategyA strategy that involves writing a call option on securities that the investor Covered interest arbitrageA portfolio manager invests dollars in an instrument denominated in a foreign Covered or hedge option strategiesStrategies that involve a position in an option as well as a position in the Crediting rateThe interest rate offered on an investment type insurance policy. Cross ratesThe exchange rate between two currencies expressed as the ratio of two foreign exchange rates Crossover rateThe return at which two alternative projects have the same net present value. Current maturityCurrent time to maturity on an outstanding debt instrument.
Related to : financial, finance, business, accounting, payroll, inventory, investment, money, inventory control, stock trading, financial advisor, tax advisor, credit. |