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Purchase |
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Definition of PurchasePurchaseTo buy, to be long, to have an ownership position.
Related Terms:Bargain-purchase-price optionGives the lessee the option to purchase the asset at a price below fair market Closing purchaseA transaction in which the purchaser's intention is to reduce or eliminate a short position in Direct stock-purchase programsThe purchase by investors of securities directly from the issuer. Minimum purchasesFor mutual funds, the amount required to open a new account (Minimum Initial Money purchase planA defined benefit contribution plan in which the participant contributes some part and Open-market purchase operationA systematic program of repurchasing shares of stock in market Opening purchaseA transaction in which the purchaser's intention is to create or increase a long position in ![]() Purchase accountingMethod of accounting for a merger in which the acquirer is treated as having purchased Purchase agreementAs used in connection with project financing, an agreement to purchase a specific Purchase and saleA method of securities distribution in which the securities firm purchases the securities Purchase fundResembles a sinking fund except that money is used only to purchase bonds if they are selling Purchase methodAccounting for an acquisition using market value for the consolidation of the two entities' Repurchase agreementAn agreement with a commitment by the seller (dealer) to buy a security back from Repurchase of stockDevice to pay cash to firm's shareholders that provides more preferable tax treatment Share repurchaseProgram by which a corporation buys back its own shares in the open market. It is usually Stock repurchaseA firm's repurchase of outstanding shares of its common stock. ![]() Targeted repurchaseThe firm buys back its own stock from a potential bidder, usually at a substantial Purchase discountsA contra account that reduces purchases by the amount of the discounts taken for early payment. Purchase returnsA contra account that reduces purchases by the amount of items purchased that were subsequently returned. PurchasesItems purchased by the company for the purpose of resale. Purchases journalA journal used to record the transactions that result in a credit to accounts payable. open purchase orderinga process by which a single purchase Purchase pricePrice actually paid for a security. Typically the purchase Purchase methodAn accounting method used to combine the financial statements of stock repurchaseFirm buys back stock from its shareholders. Purchased In-Process Research and DevelopmentUnfinished research and development that is acquired from another firm. Purchase AgreementThis legal document records the final understanding of the parties with respect to the proposed transaction. ![]() Acquisition of assetsA merger or consolidation in which an acquirer purchases the selling firm's assets. Acquisition of stockA merger or consolidation in which an acquirer purchases the acquiree's stock. Advance commitmentA promise to sell an asset before the seller has lined up purchase of the asset. This American-style optionAn option contract that can be exercised at any time between the date of purchase and AssignmentThe receipt of an exercise notice by an options writer that requires the writer to sell (in the case Basket optionsPackages that involve the exchange of more than two currencies against a base currency at Bullet contractA guaranteed investment contract purchased with a single (one-shot) premium. Related: BuyTo purchase an asset; taking a long position. Buy limit orderA conditional trading order that indicates a security may be purchased only at the designated Buyoutpurchase of a controlling interest (or percent of shares) of a company's stock. A leveraged buy-out is Buy-side analystA financial analyst employed by a non-brokerage firm, typically one of the larger money Call optionAn option contract that gives its holder the right (but not the obligation) to purchase a specified Capitalization methodA method of constructing a replicating portfolio in which the manager purchases a Cash and carrypurchase of a security and simultaneous sale of a future, with the balance being financed Cash conversion cycleThe length of time between a firm's purchase of inventory and the receipt of cash Cash discountAn incentive offered to purchasers of a firm's product for payment within a specified time CircleUnderwriters, actual or potential, often seek out and "circle" investor interest in a new issue before Clearing house / ClearinghouseAn adjunct to a futures exchange through which transactions executed its floor are settled by a Consumer creditCredit granted by a firm to consumers for the purchase of goods or services. Also called Corner A MarketTo purchase enough of the available supply of a commodity or stock in order to CoverThe purchase of a contract to offset a previously established short position. Credit enhancementpurchase of the financial guarantee of a large insurance company to raise funds. DepreciateTo allocate the purchase cost of an asset over its life. Direct leaseLease in which the lessor purchases new equipment from the manufacturer and leases it to the Dividend reinvestment plan (DRP)Automatic reinvestment of shareholder dividends in more shares of a Dividend yield (Funds)Indicated yield represents return on a share of a mutual fund held over the past 12 Dollar rollSimilar to the reverse repurchase agreement - a simultaneous agreement to sell a security held in a Doubling optionA sinking fund provision that may allow repurchase of twice the required number of bonds Drop, theWith the dollar roll transaction the difference between the sale price of a mortgage-backed passthrough, Employee stock fundA firm-sponsored program that enables employees to purchase shares of the firm's Equipment trust certificatesCertificates issued by a trust that was formed to purchase an asset and lease it Equity collarThe simultaneous purchase of an equity floor and sale of an equity cap. Exchange controlsGovernmental restrictions on the purchase of foreign currencies by domestic citizens or Exchange of assetsAcquisition of another company by purchase of its assets in exchange for cash or stock. Exchange of stockAcquisition of another company by purchase of its stock in exchange for cash or shares. Figuring the tailCalculating the yield at which a future money market (one available some period hence) is Fixed-price tender offerA one-time offer to purchase a stated number of shares at a stated fixed price, Flat price (also clean price)The quoted newspaper price of a bond that does not include accrued interest. Floating supplyThe amount of securities believed to be available for immediate purchase, that is, in the Foreign exchange controlsVarious forms of controls imposed by a government on the purchase/sale of Forfaiterpurchaser of promises to pay issued by importers. Forward coverpurchase or sale of forward foreign currency in order to offset a known future cash flow. Freddie Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation)A Congressionally chartered corporation that Futures commission merchantA firm or person engaged in soliciting or accepting and handling orders for Gestation repoA reverse repurchase agreement between mortgage firms and securities dealers. Under the GMCs (guaranteed mortgage certificates)First issued by Freddie Mac in 1975, GMCs, like PCs, represent Going-private transactionsPublicly owned stock in a firm is replaced with complete equity ownership by a GoodwillExcess of the purchase price over the fair market value of the net assets acquired under purchase Gray marketpurchases and sales of eurobonds that occur before the issue price is finally set. GreenmailSituation in which a large block of stock is held by an unfriendly company, forcing the target Harmless warrantWarrant that allows the user to purchase a bond only by surrendering an existing bond Hell-or-high-water contractA contract that obligates a purchaser of a project's output to make cash Horizontal spreadThe simultaneous purchase and sale of two options that differ only in their exercise date. Inventory loanA secured short-term loan to purchase inventory. The three basic forms are a blanket InvoiceBill written by a seller of goods or services and submitted to the purchaser. Jumbo loanLoans of $1 billion or more. Or, loans that exceed the statutory size limit eligible for purchase or Letter stockPrivately placed common stock, so-called because the SEC requires a letter from the purchaser Leveraged buyout (LBO)A transaction used for taking a public corporation private financed through the use Leveraged leaseA lease arrangement under which the lessor borrows a large proportion of the funds needed Leveraged portfolioA portfolio that includes risky assets purchased with funds borrowed. Load fundA mutual fund with shares sold at a price including a large sales charge -- typically 4% to 8% of Long hedgeThe purchase of a futures contract(s) in anticipation of actual purchases in the cash market. Used Leveraged portfolioA portfolio that includes risky assets purchased with funds borrowed. Margin account (Stocks)A leverageable account in which stocks can be purchased for a combination of Market value1) The price at which a security is trading and could presumably be purchased or sold. Materials requirement planningComputer-based systems that plan backward from the production schedule Money market fundA mutual fund that invests only in short term securities, such as bankers' acceptances, Net financing costAlso called the cost of carry or, simply, carry, the difference between the cost of financing Open contractsContracts which have been bought or sold without the transaction having been completed by Open-market operationpurchase or sale of government securities by the monetary authorities to increase or OptionGives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an asset at a set price on or before a Organized exchangeA securities marketplace wherein purchasers and sellers regularly gather to trade Related to : financial, finance, business, accounting, payroll, inventory, investment, money, inventory control, stock trading, financial advisor, tax advisor, credit. |