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Definition of Purchase methodPurchase methodAccounting for an acquisition using market value for the consolidation of the two entities' Purchase methodAn accounting method used to combine the financial statements of
Related Terms:Bargain-purchase-price optionGives the lessee the option to purchase the asset at a price below fair market Capitalization methodA method of constructing a replicating portfolio in which the manager purchases a Closing purchaseA transaction in which the purchaser's intention is to reduce or eliminate a short position in Current rate methodUnder this currency translation method, all foreign currency balance-sheet and income Direct estimate methodA method of cash budgeting based on detailed estimates of cash receipts and cash Direct stock-purchase programsThe purchase by investors of securities directly from the issuer. ![]() Flow-through methodThe practice of reporting to shareholders using straight-line depreciation and Log-linear least-squares methodA statistical technique for fitting a curve to a set of data points. One of the Minimum purchasesFor mutual funds, the amount required to open a new account (Minimum Initial Monetary / non-monetary methodUnder this translation method, monetary items (e.g. cash, accounts Money purchase planA defined benefit contribution plan in which the participant contributes some part and Normalizing methodThe practice of making a charge in the income account equivalent to the tax savings Open-market purchase operationA systematic program of repurchasing shares of stock in market Opening purchaseA transaction in which the purchaser's intention is to create or increase a long position in PurchaseTo buy, to be long, to have an ownership position. ![]() Purchase accountingmethod of accounting for a merger in which the acquirer is treated as having purchased Purchase agreementAs used in connection with project financing, an agreement to purchase a specific Purchase and saleA method of securities distribution in which the securities firm purchases the securities Purchase fundResembles a sinking fund except that money is used only to purchase bonds if they are selling Repurchase agreementAn agreement with a commitment by the seller (dealer) to buy a security back from Repurchase of stockDevice to pay cash to firm's shareholders that provides more preferable tax treatment Residual methodA method of allocating the purchase price for the acquisition of another firm among the Share repurchaseProgram by which a corporation buys back its own shares in the open market. It is usually Simple compound growth methodA method of calculating the growth rate by relating the terminal value to Statement-of-cash-flows methodA method of cash budgeting that is organized along the lines of the statement of cash flows. Stock repurchaseA firm's repurchase of outstanding shares of its common stock. ![]() Targeted repurchaseThe firm buys back its own stock from a potential bidder, usually at a substantial Temporal methodUnder this currency translation method, the choice of exchange rate depends on the Allowance methodA method of adjusting accounts receivable to the amount that is expected to be collected based on company experience. Direct methodA method of preparing the operating section of the Statement of Cash Flows that uses the company’s actual cash inflows and cash outflows. Direct write-off methodA method of adjusting accounts receivable to the amount that is expected to be collected by eliminating the account balances of specific nonpaying customers. Indirect methodA method of preparing the operating section of the Statement of Cash Flows that does not use the company’s actual cash inflows and cash outflows, but instead arrives at the net cash flow by taking net income and adjusting it for noncash expenses and the changes from last year in the current assets and current liabilities. Purchase discountsA contra account that reduces purchases by the amount of the discounts taken for early payment. Purchase returnsA contra account that reduces purchases by the amount of items purchased that were subsequently returned. PurchasesItems purchased by the company for the purpose of resale. Purchases journalA journal used to record the transactions that result in a credit to accounts payable. algebraic methoda process of service department cost allocation direct methoda service department cost allocation approach dividend growth methoda method of computing the cost FIFO method (of process costing)the method of cost assignment that computes an average cost per equivalent high-low methoda technique used to determine the fixed judgmental method (of risk adjustment)an informal method of adjusting for risk that allows the decision maker method of least squaressee least squares regression analysis method of neglecta method of treating spoiled units in the modified FIFO method (of process costing)the method of cost assignment that uses FIFO to compute a cost per net present value methoda process that uses the discounted open purchase orderinga process by which a single purchase risk-adjusted discount rate methoda formal method of adjusting for risk in which the decision maker increases the rate used for discounting the future cash flows to compensate for increased risk simplex methodan iterative (sequential) algorithm used to solve multivariable, multiconstraint linear programming problems six-sigma methoda high-performance, data-driven approach to analyzing and solving the root causes of business problems step methoda process of service department cost allocation strict FIFO method (of process costing)the method of cost assignment that uses FIFO to compute a cost per equivalent unit and, in transferring units from a department, keeps the weighted average method (of process costing)the method of cost assignment that computes an average cost per Bootstrapping, bootstrap methodAn arithmetic method for backing an Purchase pricePrice actually paid for a security. Typically the purchase First in, first-out costing method (FIFO)A process costing methodology that assigns the earliest Moving average inventory methodAn inventory costing methodology that calls for the re-calculation of the average cost of all parts in stock after every purchase. Payback methodA capital budgeting analysis method that calculates the amount of stock repurchaseFirm buys back stock from its shareholders. Benefit Ratio MethodThe proportion of unemployment benefits paid to a company’s Benefit Wage Ratio MethodThe proportion of total taxable wages for laid off Average-Cost Inventory MethodThe inventory cost-flow assumption that assigns the average Completed-Contract MethodA contract accounting method that recognizes contract revenue Direct-Method FormatA format for the operating section of the cash-flow statement that reports actual cash receipts and cash disbursements from operating activities. Equity MethodAccounting method for an equity security in cases where the investor has sufficient First-In, First-Out (FIFO) Inventory MethodThe inventory cost-flow assumption that Full-Cost MethodA method of accounting for petroleum exploration and development expenditures Indirect-Method FormatA format for the operating section of the cash-flow statement that Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) Inventory MethodThe inventory cost-flow assumption that assigns the most recent inventory acquisition costs to cost of goods sold. The earliest inventory Percentage-of-Completion MethodA contract accounting method that recognizes contract Purchased In-Process Research and DevelopmentUnfinished research and development that is acquired from another firm. Successful Efforts MethodA method of accounting for petroleum exploration and development Net Present Value (NPV) MethodA method of ranking investment proposals. NPV is equal to the present value of the future returns, discounted at the marginal cost of capital, minus the present value of the cost of the investment. Purchase AgreementThis legal document records the final understanding of the parties with respect to the proposed transaction. Pooling of interestsAn accounting method for reporting acquisitions accomplished through the use of equity. LIFOThe last-in, first-out method of inventory cost determination. Assumes that cost of goods Related to : financial, finance, business, accounting, payroll, inventory, investment, money, inventory control, stock trading, financial advisor, tax advisor, credit. |